Picture a princess. What image comes to your mind? Something out of a Disney movie, right? Carriages, designer dresses, star-studded balls, and monumental weddings are some of the aspects that depict the mainstream image of royalty. Now picture a princess…in a war zone. In early 1997, Princess Diana of Wales found herself standing beneath the pungent Angolan sun, away from the luxuries and gala events, where she cast off her royal attire for protective body armor and a visor. Princess Diana of Wales shed a momentous light on one of the most unnoticed atrocities of the African continent: landmines. That single action of hers, on that day, still resonates for us today, long after her untimely death.
Darkness had fallen on the lives of many innocent African communities. As disputes between villages turned into wars, public areas were replete with tragedy and death. In the mid-1990’s, three-dollar weapons called landmines were terrorizing the innocent—claiming twelve thousand civilian lives and causing the highest number of amputees in the world. Landmines are placed during these armed disputes, concealed underground to destroy or disable enemy targets.1 Although the armed combats in Angola had ended, the war “debris” continued to threaten people’s safety. People were dying regularly from leftover landmines, but few outside Angola knew anything about them. These mines would remain “live” for years, even decades, waiting for unsuspecting victims, as per their design, causing unimaginable suffering and pain.2

The African people were in desperate need of a solution. They needed a defender. Their cry for help was heard, reaching the gates of Kensington Palace. It was none other than Princess Diana—keen philanthropist and self-proclaimed Queen of Hearts—whose life purpose had become to shed a humane light on controversial issues such as AIDS and homelessness. “I’d read the statistics that Angola has the highest percentage of amputees anywhere in the world. That one person in every 333 had lost a limb, most of them through land mine explosion.”3 The moment Princess Diana became aware of this neglected tragedy, she knew exactly what she needed to do: take immediate action. “I have all this media interest, so let’s take it somewhere where they can be positive and embrace a situation which is distressing like this.”3 In early January 1997, she flew to Angola along with the Red Cross and a BBC camera crew.
A fearless Diana put herself in the midst of one of the most dangerous places in the world, thousands of miles away from the royal guard, protected solely by a riot helmet and a flak jacket given to her. Accompanied by local anti-landmine activists, she was taken to see a land-mine clearing operation in Huambo, central Angola.5 This was a royal, who spent a large part of her life in luxurious settings being served by others, who was personally stepping into filthy fields to deactivate mines, serving those whose lives were shattered by the deadly weapons. As she pushed the button to detonate a single mine, she uttered the words “One down, 17 million to go.”6

After the cameras stopped rolling, Diana didn’t. The fight to ban antipersonnel landmines became a personal crusade, one that would fill the last year of her life.7 She made this clear in the last speech she ever delivered, stating, “The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine, the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their hand in the cause of humanity.”8 This public light shed by Diana brought nothing but success, influencing countries to come together to pledge millions of dollars to tackle the destruction caused by landmines, as well as bringing 122 governments from around the world to contribute to the passage of the Ottawa Mine Treaty. Landmines are still an issue of global concern, but Diana remains the most influential face of anti-landmine activism.
- Isebill V. Gruhn, “Land Mines: An African Tragedy,” Journal of Modern African Studies, no. 4 (December 1996): 688. ↵
- Stuart Maslen, Mine Action after Diana: Progress in the Struggle Against Landmines (London: Pluto Press, 2004), 15. ↵
- Heart of the Matter: Diary of a Princess, directed by Karina Brennan (UK: BBC, 1997). ↵
- Heart of the Matter: Diary of a Princess, directed by Karina Brennan (UK: BBC, 1997). ↵
- Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security, 2004, s.v. “Unexploded Ordnance and Mines,” by Mike Lambert. ↵
- Johnna Rizzo, “How Princess Diana Crippled The Case For Land Mines,” Newsweek, Oct. 24, 2015. ↵
- Johnna Rizzo, “How Princess Diana Crippled The Case For Land Mines,” Newsweek, Oct. 24, 2015. ↵
- Diana, Princess of Wales, “Responding To Landmines: A Modern Tragedy And It’s Consequences” (keynote address, Mines Advisory Group and the Landmine Survivors Network, London, June 12, 1997). ↵
Mia Hernandez
Princess Diana is one of my favorite historical figures because she spoke about many issues that other people were too afraid to talk about. She should be the image that pops up into your head when you hear the word ‘princess’. She fought for real issues even if it meant putting her life in danger. She was a princess for the people. She always put ‘the people’ before herself and that is what made her so special. She wanted to make a change in the world and she did. She truly changed the world and I wish more people were like her.
Gabriel Lopez
I really like the first sentence of how it got me when it asked to think of a princess, and how the first thing I thought was actually a Disney princess. It was interesting to read about how a royal decided to fight for something seemingly crazy and life-threatening, regardless of their social status. Her statement in her speech is very inspiring, and I hope we can have more brave people like her in the world.
Victoria Muller
I really liked this article Princess Diana is truly remarkable, the things she went through upon becoming a royal and yet she still took the time to care for others and address the landmine issue. Personally going over and helping to remove the landmines is putting herself in potential danger, but she didn’t let that bother her because she was going to help them. Even after the film crew stopped filming she still pursued helping address the problem, this just goes on to show just how good of a heart she had.
Charli Delmonico
I had no idea that Princess Diana had done this. I have always liked her– she was the epitome of class and I really admire the way she conducted herself throughout her personal and public life. I am amazed that she actually went to Angola to help raise awareness about the landmines and the pain and suffering that these landmines cause the people there every day. I am in utter awe of her bravery and ability to recognize the important things in life.
Amanda Uribe
Princess Diana was so fierce. I love how she didn’t care that she was actively putting herself in danger by doing this. She truly cared for these people. She didn’t just say she did, she showed it. It is amazing how many people she was able to help and how many govvernments she got to stop. She was such an advocate for African communities and she is still, so inspiring.
Olivia Tijerina
I identify in this article to be very inspiring one because it leads readers to understand more of a remarkable woman, Princess Diana. A princess whom protested in the most dangerous way in order for a concern of hers to be brought to light to the public . This was profoundly done because it was truly to be unheard of to the public that she had sparked many supporters to offer aid and to contribute as a result.
Bianca-Rhae Jacquez
Princess Diana was such a caring and amazing person. She was devoted to changing the world by not sitting in a desk but by actually going out there in the world. Now the royal family is seen as activist before anything else. She left a good path for her family to follow in. It is truly heartbreaking that she died so young. Who knows how else she could’ve changed that world.
Maria Garcia
Princess Diana is someone who I’ve always admired. She was a normal person just like the rest of us, went into literal royalty, and still acted like she was any ordinary person for the most part. This article does such a great job showing how caring and active she was with problems all around the world. Rather than letting power go to her head, like some people do, she did so many positive things with the power she had. Great article!
Diamond Davidson
I’ve never heard of Princess Diana, but I’m glad I read this article because she was an amazing person. This article explains how even royal people don’t just sit around and do nothing and wait for others to serve them. It shows that she uses her power for good and to help out the community. This was a well-written article that was straight to the point with some good information to make the article flow well.
Rosario Moreno
I loved the way you started off the comparison of what is normally thought about when we think of a princess to what a real one was actually doing. After reading this I adore Princess Diana even more, she was so loving and caring. It didn’t matter where she was or what she had to do, as long as it was right she did it. My absolute favorite line of your article was, “After the cameras stopped rolling, Diana didn’t. The fight to ban antipersonnel landmines became a personal crusade.” That just made me smile so hard, great article!