Winner of the Fall 2018 StMU History Media Award for
Best Explanatory Article
Best Article in the Category of “People”
Imagine being one of the most well-known actors and comedians who had a talent for making people laugh. A person who would light up the room with just one joke. That is exactly who Robin Williams was. A master at his craft, Williams was an individual who brought to life any character he played. However, with all the laughter he brought to people and all the smiles he put on others, Robin Williams was battling an inner demon that not many people knew about: depression. Williams spent time bringing joy to his fans, only to cover up his personal problems away from the public eye.

Born on July 21, 1951 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago Illinois, Robin McLaurin Williams was the only child to the parents of Robert Fitzgerald Williams and Laurie McLaurin. His father was a senior executive at Ford Motor Company and his mother was a former model as well as a part time actress.1 Robin’s parents came from wealthy families, and growing up, Robin was surrounded by wealth and privilege too. However, he did not get much attention while growing up, as he was raised mostly by his maid. At the age of eleven, his family moved from Chicago to the suburbs of Detroit, where they lived in a house with forty rooms. Robin was described as a short, shy, and introverted kid, and while he was growing up in a big house, he did not have much happiness. He was often alone and would communicate more with the maids around the house than with his own parents, as they were often working. The only friends Robin had while growing up was just his imagination, since he was very shy, which made it hard for him to develop real friendships. When he was in sixth grade, Robin was constantly bullied for being overweight, and each day he would go home crying due to the torment the other kids would put him through. The constant harassment led Robin into a deep depression, something he was to face the rest of his life.2

Robin found comedy as a defense mechanism, which he got from his mother, who was known for having a witty sense of humor. He also felt like he was able to develop a closer relationship with his mother through comedy.3 At the age of sixteen, his father retired from the Ford Motor Company and moved the family to the San Francisco area in 1967. There he attended Redwood High School, where he overcame his shyness by joining the drama club. Soon enough Robin became the most popular guy in school, always telling jokes and making his peers laugh. He eventually was known as the class clown.4 At the end of his senior year, he was voted “most funniest student.” Once he graduated high school in 1969, Robin attended Claremont Men’s College where he pursued a major in political science. However, he spent the majority of his time in the college theater rather than in the classroom. He left his major, and Claremont, to attend a community college to pursue acting. After three years of perfecting his craft, Williams was accepted into the prestigious performing arts school Julliard, in New York City. He was one of only two students that got accepted into the 1973 program, along with good friend Christopher Reeve.5 Robin thrived instantly at Julliard, and astounded his teachers as he would take on any character he was told to play with ease. He then went to San Francisco to pursue a career in stand-up comedy. Robin was on the rise to fame, and was about to be the new face of Hollywood. However, no one knew the serious problems Robin was facing, as he would always appear with a smile. After his death everyone began to ask what led to Robin’s depression?
“Unfortunately, when it comes to the term depression, it is the most tragically misunderstood word in the English language, as many compare depression to sadness,” said Stephen Llardi, an associate professor of clinical psychology at the University of Kansas.6 The scientific description of depression is that it is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. There are many different types of depression, such as postpartum depression, known as the “baby blues,” bipolar depression, in which an individual can experience extremely high euphoric or irritable moods called “mania,” and psychotic depression, in which an individual will experience false fixated beliefs.7
Major depression, which is the most common, affects millions across the globe, and according to the National Institute of Mental Health, in the year 2016, over 16 million adults in the United States experienced at least one major depression episode in their personal life.8 People with major depression, unfortunately, live beyond the realm of sadness, and can often feel numb to the world. They also tend to become lethargic while they also slowly loose interest with the activities in their everyday lives. There are many symptoms that a person can experience when dealing with depression, including a loss of appetite, having trouble sleeping or sleeping more than usual, having thoughts of suicide, and many more. However, in order for it to be consider major depression, or any type of depression, one must experience symptoms for at least two weeks.9 This mental illness is difficult for many individuals to describe. No one word, sentence, or even paragraph does it any justice. An individual’s day-to-day life is not a normal person’s day. An individual who is suffering from depression finds it difficult to wake up and start their day. They also find their days to be hard and slow. Depression tends to cause individuals to focus on the negative and amplify sad emotions, which makes everyday things paralyzing and oppressive. Mental illness can slow a person’s world down, and they can often appear “normal” to the outside world, but when they are alone, they find it extremely hard to function.10 That is exactly what Robin Williams was facing, even as his career was thriving in Hollywood.

Now married to his second wife, he unfortunately relapsed back into drinking and drugs, and in 2003, he was admitted to a substance abuse rehabilitation center in Newberg, Oregon.15 Many close to Robin knew how bad he was struggling with depression, but he refused to let the public eye see what he was going through.16 One main cause that triggered his depression to worsen was his divorce between him and his second wife, due to the fact that the divorce settlement caused him to give up his 29.9 million dollar 640-acre estate in Napa California, which he had had for over ten years. Between the financial problems and his drug abuse and his mental health, things were starting to become too much for Robin, and even though he remained full of joy in front of his fans, Robin would soon crack and his depression would have finally taken over.
Usually people that develop depression have triggers that cause them to enter into a dark place mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For example, Robin’s triggers were his financial problems, marriage issues, and drug abuse. Triggers can be different for each individual who experiences depression. It can be triggered from stress, or a sport’s injury, or the loss of a family member, or even a heart break. Each trigger causes an individual to go into a gloomy state of mind in which he or she finds it hard to get out of. However, even though everyone has different triggers that causes them to develop depression, what stays the same for everyone is the sadness that gradually develops during their dark state.17 Unfortunately, many people compare sadness with depression when they each have different meanings. Depression causes problems with a person’s functioning in their everyday life. It is a mental illness that lasts for weeks, months, and sometimes even years. It affects a person’s ability to think, feel, and act, whereas sadness is a normal human emotion that usually goes away on its own.18 People who suffer from depression tend to have lower levels of the neurotransmitter of serotine, which is a chemical that gives an individual happiness. When conditions worsen, individuals will tend to look for an outlet to feel better, and sometimes it’s not always the best outlet. According to a study that John Kelip, a neuropsychologist at Columbia University, performed in 2014, over 60% of his participants with depression chose alcohol as a way to cope with their depression. When mixing substances such as Berizodiazepines with alcohol, an individual’s attention span is shorten and memory capacity becomes cloudy due to the fact that the substances depress the brain’s reward center. This will cause a person to start having suicidal thoughts, as they feel like they are never going to feel better.19 However, when a person is contemplating suicide, people on the outside don’t see that the individual is having such thoughts, due to the fact that they appear to be fine to everyone else. Robin Williams was very good at this, as he was thinking about suicide, his family, friends, and fans would be too late to answer his call for help.
“Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien — but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most — from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. The Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams.”26
Robin Williams brought joy to many individuals and inspired many to always follow their dreams. It’s unfortunate that he was battling something that he did not want anyone to know. He tried so hard to make other people happy even when he was not happy with his own self. Through all the trials and tribulations, Robin Williams is a well respected man who was and still is loved by many. He brought many characters to life and gave us movies that are unforgettable. Even though he lost his on battle on August 11, 2014, he will forever be remembered as the man who brought laughter to the world.
If you or someone you know is suffering from a mental illness, get help from a professional, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-Talk (8255). It is available 24/7.
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2016): 178-182, ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2015, “Robin Williams,” by Mary Virginia. ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends Psychiatry Psychother, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009, s.v. “Robin Williams.” ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2015, s.v. “Robin Williams,” by Mary Virginia. ↵
- Karen Rowan, “Robin Williams Death: The Difference between Depression & Normal Sadness,” Life Science, August 11, 2014, ↵
- Roni Jacobson, “Robin Williams: Depression lone Rarely Causes Suicide,” Scientific American, August 13, 2014, ↵
- Karen Rowan, “Robin Williams Death: The Difference between depression & Normal Sadness,” Life Science, August 11, 2014, ↵
- Lance Rappaport, “Depression Symptoms Moderate the Association Between Emotion and Communal Behavior,” Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64, no. 3 (2017): 272, 267-279. ↵
- Natasha Tracy, Lost Marbles: Insight into life with Depression & Bipolar (United States: Natasha Tracy, 2016) 10, 5-23. ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2015, s.v. “Robin Williams,” by Mary Virginia. ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- David Holdhan, “Robin Williams Bio Revelation: Infidelity, Substance Abuse Insecurity Over Jim Carrey,” USA Today, May 13, 2018. ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2015, s.v. “Robin Williams,” by Mary Virginia. ↵
- David Holdhan, “Robin Williams Bio Revelation: Infidelity, Substance Abuse Insecurity Over Jim Carrey,” USA Today, May 13, 2018. ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009, s.v. “Robin Williams.” ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Roni Jacobson, “Robin Williams: Depression lone Rarely Causes Suicide,” Scientific American, August 13, 2014, ↵
- David Holdhan, “Robin Williams Bio Revelation: Infidelity, Substance Abuse Insecurity Over Jim Carrey,” USA Today, May 13, 2018. ↵
- Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2015, “Robin Williams,” by Mary Virginia. ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Natasha Tracy, “Drug Abuse Statistics-Drug Abuse Facts,” Healthy Place For Your Mental Health, June 2016, 5. ↵
- Hassan Tohid, “Robin Williams’ Suicide: a case study,” Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38, no. 3 (2012): 178-182, ↵
- Alan Duke, “Robin Williams Dead: Family, Friends, and Fans Are Totally Devastated,” CNN Entertainment, August 12, 2014, ↵
Marissa Rendon
I was around maybe eight years old when Robin Williams took his life, it was so devastating since he was an amazing childs actor and really made many children happy. I think this article was a beautiful article about such a beautiful perso n. I think its crazy that in his last few months of living he showed zero signs of suicidal thoughts. I think something that took a huge toll on him was his Lew Body dementia which can effect your mental capacity
Luke Rodriguez
Growing up, I would watch a lot of Robin Williams moves with my family, and in many of his movies, he would be a kind-hearted, funny character, but I never knew how sad his life was before reading this article. I was really unaware that he had abused drugs and that his wife had left him. Knowing all this sit really makes me appreciate all of his movies.
Makayla Soto
I love reading articles based on celebrities and their personal struggles. Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors as he was so talented. It was so sad hearing about his suicide. It goes to show that celebrities do have a lot of mental health issues and are not really expected to experience of have mental health issues because they are “celebrities”. Thank you so much for talking about this! Such a good article.
Esteban Serrano
Hello Brianna! Great article and deep, a thorough research. I think this really captivates the career of Robin Williams. He doesn’t really resonate now with the pop culture but, I do remember where I was the day he died. I remember my mother shocked about the news and I really didn’t believe it either. I had seen movies like Jumanji at that time and I knew where he was from, but the reason I say he didn’t resonate with a lot of people in my generation was because his comedy was something my parents grew up with and not me. It was one of those generational things. Great job on the article and congrats on getting published!
Halie Estrada
This was an amazing article! You did a wonderful job on helping readers understand who Robin was and still is. I’ve struggled with forms of depression as well and I can say you perfectly explained what it’s like to be in these individuals minds and how they perceive their world. Depression like you said is a very serious matter which I feel the people and even the world don’t take seriously. It’s not just some sad feeling it’s a constant negative outlook which starts to blend into your daily tasks and makes it so hard to grow and better yourself. Thank you for writing such an amazing and needed article.
Aidan Farrell
Amazing piece of work, Brianna. You did a good job telling the tragic of America’s funnyman with elegance and grace. You made sure to show respect to Robin Williams, and I think was greatly appreciated. You had good word choice, and you told the story extremely well. As I read, I wanted to keep reading, it was an interesting read if not a sad one. Well done, Brianna.
Caily Torres
Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors. I never knew that he suffered from depression, and when it hit the media as the reason behind his suicide, I was shocked. How can someone look so happy yet be suffering on the inside. That’s what depression is. It is a disease that affects not only our mental but emotional health. We try to cover it up and act like we are fine when we are not. Hearing that he has always suffered from depression broke my heart. He went through so much growing up yet pursued a career where he can put a smile on other peoples faces. Unfortunately he lost his battle, but he fought his entire life and was just tired. Like this article, he illuminates the issue of depression and illustrates how important it is to get help.
Hoa Vo
There are some people around us, who we think are optimistic, vivacious because they always smile and full of energy. But then turn out, they are the ones fighting and wrestling with the monster that ruins their mental, so we need to care about them more. The story flows smoothly and cooperates with the explanation of depression and suicide very well. Such a great article to read!
Alaina De Leon
Having Robin Wi;;aims always on in the background of my childhood I felt it was necessary to touch base on his legendary life. Robin Williams legacy will forever be remembered by his wit and ability to make people laugh via the joy that radiated off of him. To interviews to the big time movie screen Williams touched the lives of many. This article portrays an accurate story of his life and how something as serious as depression can overcome those in it’s path.This article sheds light on the reality and harshness of mental illness and makes the readers aware of its power and what loved ones it can take.The awareness spread in this article was appreciated because in hard times we sometimes forget to remember that mental illness is just as important as physical.
Evangelina Villegas
This was a fantastic but heartbreaking article. Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors and to read about how he had been dealing with depression his whole life really broke my heart. He was such a talented man that made so many people laugh and it’s sad to know that while he made people happy, he himself wasn’t. Depression is like a disease that affects so many people everyday that it has become a common mental disorder and I like how this article spread awareness of depression and suicide.