StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

What if I told you that you have infinite power, and the source of this power comes from something you do all the time? You are doing it right now. You are thinking, even if you do not realize it. We all think. Every second. Every day of our lives. All the thoughts we have in our minds since we were able to retain information properly have shaped how we perceive the world and ourselves. These thoughts have shaped our lives. They have instilled specific “idea systems” influencing our thinking, acting, and governing. One person’s idea system could have instilled the belief in him/her that he/she is successful at their job. In contrast, another person has had ideas that all contributed to the idea system, where they believe that his/her job will always make him/her miserable and never let them reach their potential. Both people could have come from the same background and family life but because one over time attributed their thoughts and experiences positively, it led to an internal belief that he/she is happy and successful. The other person could have had the same experiences but attributed them as negative and continued to have negative thoughts. Thoughts have more power than they seem.

Brain scans when thinking positive vs. negative thoughts. | Courtesy of Rose City Therapeutics

Recent research has begun to show that thinking positive thoughts light up neurons in our brain and through this repeated process we physically rewire our brain to think differently. This research will discuss some of the neuroscience data surrounding the idea that positive thoughts can change a person’s brain and thinking. Some of the questions this article will tackle are:  How do our thoughts affect our lives and consciousness/how we view the world and ourselves? Can our thoughts rewire our brain and influence new thoughts? How much power do our thoughts really have? According to researchers that will be discussed in this article, our thoughts and the ways we think shape our lives, rewires our brain and can helps us alter how we perceive the world.

In considering the idea that our thoughts might be more powerful than we have previously believed, we must first examine what thoughts are. In the book, Changing Your Mind: The Bible, the Brain, and Spiritual Growth, author Victor Copan, an associate professor of biblical studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Florida, outlines thoughts as “all of the ways in which we are conscious of things” (Copan 166). Copan explains that thoughts have components to them. The first component of a thought identifies the information we receive through our senses, what we hear, taste, touch smell. This is known as the “raw material.” Then, our brains enter the second component where we begin to process this raw material and assimilate this information into our brains for it to be stored throughout our life. Both of these components refer to the process of thinking. Over time, our thoughts include our memories, perceptions and beliefs. All of these components influence how we think in the future. Copan then refers to this as our “idea systems” (Copan 168).

Understanding the Power of Thoughts | Courtesy of Shutterstock

 The idea system is a theory in which our thinking is based off of. Our brain not only has the ability to draw a map of how we respond in individual situations but also to draw even larger maps by putting all of these individual situations together and thus creating a certain belief. An idea system has the power to influence and dominate your way of thinking because it determines the particular way in which we see ourselves and thus these ideas begin to govern and direct the way we act. For example, if a child had a bad experience going to school and failed a lot of classes and as a result, they felt they were not smart enough, then in the future even if they are doing better in school and getting better grades, once they get a failed test grade, these beliefs come back to them and can stay with them. Another example would be if a man encountered harmful words indicating that he is unloved and unattractive, then overtime he will begin to confirm these ideas to himself through random experiences he has throughout the day that are in no relation to that. A person might not hold the door open for him and because he feels unattractive and unloved he may reason that was why someone was rude to him when in reality that person may not have known someone was behind him. However, these idea systems are not always set in stone. We can change these idea systems through repeated thoughts and by holding positive experiences in our mind.

Copan suggests using “The Ladder to Heaven” methods to hold positive experiences in our mind. He details the steps to filling our mind with positivity and how scientists have conducted research in which we can see neurons in our brains lighting up and physically rewiring our thinking process. The “Ladder to Heaven” methods include intentionally creating a positive experience, enriching that experience by adding other senses to your visualization such as feeling, and by fully absorbing this positivity in your mind and body and remaining in this for an extended amount of time. Copan suggests that in doing so, a person physically and mentally transforms themselves and during this process, a person can turn something out of nothing (Copan 179).

A similar perspective can be found in the novel, The Miracle Club: How Thoughts Become Reality, by author Mitch Horowitz. Mitch Horowitz draws on the philosophy of New Thought and its famous writers like Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Neville Goddard to provide a guide to manifest miracles in one’s life through thoughts. This book focuses on how positive thinking works and why it is successful. He emphasizes that someone’s thoughts can impact their reality and in return make things happen for them. When we think in a focused and directed manner, this allows for us to transform events, surpassing the usual boundaries of time and space. Horowitz also uses the exercises in his book to implement change and some practices include prayer, visualization and affirmations. For example, in the early 1980s Michael Jackson was preparing to write and record a new album which would be later known as, “Thriller.” During this production, Michael would look at himself in the mirror every morning, hold his body straight and repeat to himself words of affirmations. He would say, “I am the biggest selling artist of all time, I have the biggest selling album of all time, and I have the greatest album of the year” (George, “Thriller” 40). In 1984, when the Thriller album was released, he would go on to have 11 Grammy nominations, he took home 8 awards including Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance. Thriller also had become the biggest-selling album of all time, a world record that still stands today. 

Such an example reveals that our thoughts and speech have a power like no other. In “How to Make a Miracle” Horowitz talks about a power like no other available, which is “the power of one deeply felt wish” (Horowitz 39). This is a concept of a passionate desire felt intensely by a person and through this as well as thought, people transform their lives. You must feel the thing you think about in order for it to bend to your reality. This is the metaphysics of thoughts. Metaphysical thoughts do not rely on having an external experience to back up this thought. This can be thought of as “daydreaming” where a person can think about an experience they would like to happen and emerge themselves into this experience even though, it has not happened in their 3D reality.  Thoughts that work and do not when trying to transform yourself and why things/our reality tend to bend to the thoughts we are thinking happen because our minds rely on the images, we feed them. This is why it is important to be aware of the fact that our thoughts shape our lives and create our reality.

Our Consciousness| Courtesy of Neuroscience News

Over time our consciousness has changed. In The Two Greatest Ideas: How Our Grasp of the Universe and Our Minds Changed Everything, author Linda Zagzebski writes about the idea that the human mind is capable of grasping the entire universe and in grasping itself challenges influential civilizations and cultures and because of this, Western civilization expanded in their thinking process, which led people to new ideas in philosophy, math and more. Therefore, our thinking patterns and perceptions can be influenced. Zagzebski reminds the audience that an expansion in the way we think leads to new ways of viewing the world and an openness that people are introduced to. 

Like Zagzebski, New Thought philosopher, Neville Goddard also expands on our awareness. He explains how the power of thinking not only has to do with the process of doing so but there is also the component of feeling and holding mental images. Neville explains that we have a divine nature in our mind, and we creatively use that power, and we should use it for our greatest good. Oftentimes, adults go through life without becoming aware of the negative thoughts they have. There is a belief among people that life is happening to them as opposed to them being in control of their life. Goddard states that the mental images and feelings you are holding today, determine your future and this is why it’s important to create thoughts and feelings that are beneficial to you. Once you are aware of this and practice it, more success is bound to come to you. The feelings push the thoughts out and create the life one wants.

Recently, Neville Goddard has become well-known amongst younger generations as “manifestation” has become more popularized. Manifestation or better known as, “The Law of Attraction,” started gaining momentum when the film The Secret came out in 2006. In simple terms, the law of attraction states that you attract what you think about and the images you hold in your mind. The movie also made it clear that many noble, historical, and well-known celebrities, presidents and public figures all knew about the secret and used the secret to obtain their desires. The film suggested that they all knew the secret and kept it a secret so they could have an advantage over ordinary people. After the film was released, people began trying to manifest things on their own and for many people it worked. Celebrities today like Jim Carrey talk about the power of manifesting. Some celebrities and well-known people advocate for it and help bring awareness to others.

So how can this help you? Overall, positive-thinking and manifestation can help heal people around the world and allow them to live their happiest and healthiest lives. Our thoughts have infinite power and bringing awareness to what our minds can see and do for us, can change people’s lives. There are many different perspectives to start understanding and investigating this. New Thought philosophy can introduce you to its leading figures like Goddard and Ralph Waldo Emerson who teach that a person can have anything they desire, so long as they choose to hold those thoughts and feelings within themselves. Another perspective would be Victor Copan’s which focuses more on the science behind the power of positive thinking and the spirituality that also plays a role. 

Any desires you hold for yourself can become a reality if you believe you can achieve them. The belief has to be firm and strong enough in faith that even when you see things in your life going in the opposite way, to not get discouraged and give up. Often times, the universe/world can be funny like that and just when you want to give up, miraculously everything begins to go your way and align for you as you wished.

As you read this paper, you are thinking. Now, you are processing this information. You may also be wondering how you can manifest or achieve something using the powers of your mind. The manifestation process is fairly simple and does not require too much effort. It may take time but as long as you hold the belief in your desire, you will one day have it. First, make it clear about what you want. Second, envision that in your mind and start to feel the emotions you would actually feel if you had that. Third, is to practice this and stay in an elevated emotion that brings you joy, inspiration, gratitude or any other good-feeling emotion. Lastly, you need to let it go and believe it is already yours somehow. Do not try to find ways in your mind on how it might come about into your life, go with the flow and be open to any opportunities that may come your way. Things may come when you least expect it and in ways you would have never guessed. It is true things may take a long amount of time for you to actually have your desire in this reality, but it is all a part of the process. Most importantly, never doubt yourself.

If you are a student, you can use this information to help you achieve your goals in classes, regardless of past difficulties you may have faced. If you have a hard time believing you can pass a class, you can first start rewiring your brain by repeating to yourself that you are getting amazing grades. Then, you can start to accomplish your work and turn it in on time, as well as study for tests and quizzes. By repeating this to yourself, your subconscious mind will be open to receiving this thought and will find a way to make this statement true. You can then pass a class by putting in the effort and keeping your mind in a positive vibration. Things that seem impossible are possible with positive thinking and effort.

Our thoughts have infinite ways of drawing the things we want into our lives in many ways. Our minds are more powerful than we are initially taught. When you see positive signs wherever you may be, pay attention them. Those signs might be well-placed there for you. Your mind might have drawn that to you. The power of our thoughts can and will transform you if you believe they can. Ultimately, it is important to acknowledge the power of our thoughts is infinite. Infinite, just like you and me.



Copan, Victor A. Changing Your Mind : The Bible, the Brain, and Spiritual Growth / Victor Copan. Cascade Books, 2016.

Goddard, Neville. Five Lessons : A Master Class by Neville. G&D Media, 2020.

Horowitz, Mitch. The Miracle Club : How Thoughts Become Reality. Inner Traditions, 2018.

McRaney, David. How Minds Change : The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion, and Persuasion. Portfolio, 2022.

Thriller 40.  Directed by Nelson George, Sony Music Entertainment, 2023.

Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus. The Two Greatest Ideas : How Our Grasp of the Universe and Our Minds Changed Everything / Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Julianna Zamora

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Recent Comments


  • Gaitan Martinez

    I very much liked the opening, yes I agree, we are always thinking. Even if you think of nothing, usually people depict a black void in their mind, but black is something. I always try to, “think of the positive side,” and while I can see where this article is heading, I imagine that people have to train their brains to think and feel positive. Although I can be angry at my life, I always tell myself that there is someone who has it way worse, and even though I tell myself that, and I’m truly grateful to have a good life, I still know my true feelings deep inside. In reality, I’m lying to myself because I’m not actually satisfied, and I’m sure many others can relate. So, again saying and thinking it is one thing, but actually believing yourself is another.

  • Carlos Anthony Alonzo

    Your research on the power of positive thinking is truly impressive, offering valuable insights into how our attitudes can have affects in our lives. The depth of your research and the clarity of your arguments make a compelling case for the importance of this concept and why students should adopt these strategies. I commend you on your article and your thoughtful interpretation of the information. Keep up the excellent work!

  • Martin Martinez

    I have known about “The Secret” for a long time! I read Rhonda Byrne’s novelized version of the movie. “Manifesting” is a weird term to me, as I have never known the concept by that name. I have always referred to it as “The Law of Attraction”. This was a very nostalgic article, as it brought me to consider a subject I had not thought about as of recent.

  • Fernando Milian

    I have always heard people say “think positive,” but I never knew there was actual science behind it, like the neuroscience stuff mentioned here. I think the part about the “Ladder to Heaven” method is something I would like to try. It’s interesting how you can literally train your brain to focus on the good things by deeply immersing yourself in positive experiences. Also, the stories about how famous people used these techniques to achieve great things really make it seem possible to influence your own outcomes with the right mindset. This article makes me want to pay more attention to my thoughts and maybe start practicing some of the positive thinking techniques mentioned. Thank you. Great article!

  • Maria Fernanda Guerrero

    I agree the mind is an extremely powerful tool that we all possess. What we are constantly thinking about does affect what can happen. I personally believe that everything is about perspective, the moment you learn how to control your perspective is the day you will utilize the power of your mind. Manifesting is just deciphering what you want to be thinking about, so you are outputting that out into the world. All that is done with your mind since the moment you think something, you feel it, and you believe. The mind is a tricking thing but if used right, it can be beneficial. Great article!

  • Madison Hinojosa

    I truly appreciate the depth and richness of your article, which brilliantly unpacks a wealth of valuable information. Your work enlightens readers by shedding light on the incredible potential within our minds and the significant influence of our thoughts. Personally, I have had the privilege of directly witnessing the extraordinary manifestation of this power, reinforcing my belief in the immense capabilities we possess.

  • Luis Ramirez

    Very interesting article and enjoyable! I have never really thought about how as humans, we think a lot. We know we think but we’ve never really paid much attention to it since it’s just a common thing for everyone. It’s so interesting how our brain works and how we have all this data to show how it is in reality.

  • Gonzalez Elizabeth

    Good evening, Julianna. I found your article very insightful. I agree that our thoughts have a powerful influence on our reality, and focusing on positive thoughts can lead to positive outcomes. I’ve experienced the manifestation process firsthand; the more I think about something, the more I seem to attract it into my life. Despite life’s challenges, I remain resilient and stay committed to my goals and dreams. While life isn’t always easy, the rewards of achieving our goals make it worthwhile. Your example of a student overcoming past failures resonates with me, as past experiences can deeply impact our mental health. Although these experiences may fade with time, they can resurface if triggered, leading to negative thoughts and emotions. Overall, your insights are relatable and offer valuable perspectives on the power of positive thinking.

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