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October 6, 2016

The Refugio Municipality, Part I: Irish Origins

The Great Panic of 1819 struck and the Moses Austin’s Bank of St. Louis was forced to close. Due to the economic difficulties of the time and in attempt to maintain their familial wealth, Moses Austin traveled to Texas, having heard of the plentiful land available there by way of massive Spanish land grants. Moses was successful in his endeavor to barter for land with the Spanish, but in 1821, Moses Austin, recipient of propitious Spanish land grants, passed away at his home in Herculaneum, Missouri. Moses Austin’s son, Stephen F. Austin, today also known as “The Father of Texas,” inherited his colonization rights and began settling lands in Spanish Texas.

But this is not the story of the Austin family. Instead, this is the beginning of a story not often told. This is the story of the Irish Impresarios of Spanish and Mexican Texas, who also came in search of fortune, and found much of what they desired, but only after a coarse journey over the rugged Texian terrain. The Irish, little to their knowledge, were to encounter a pioneer’s journey of blood, sweat, and tears. This is the story of Refugio County, Texas.

Sometime in the early 1800’s, two Irishmen, James Hewetson and James Power, migrated to the United States. Both men landed in Philadelphia, but there is no evidence that the two ever met at this time. In fact, shortly after arriving, both men went their separate ways: Hewetson journeyed to St. Louis, Missouri, and Power departed to New Orleans.1

A map of the Texian colonies as of 1836 Photo courtesy of
A map of the Texian colonies as of 1836. The Power & Hewetson is depicted in red on the bottom right on the eastern coastline | Photo courtesy

During Hewetson’s time in St. Louis, he made acquaintance with Stephen F. Austin, and the two traveled to Louisiana together where Hewetson embarked in a commercial mining venture in Saltillo, Mexico. Hewetson also spent time with Austin in the Bexar municipality, where Austin began touring the Texas terrain for settlement.2

While in Saltillo, Hewetson encountered James Power for the first time and the men became acquainted. The two became interested in a joint venture as empresarios to Mexican land grants at that time, and became involved with the Mission municipality of Nuestra Senora del Refugio. The mission, established by the Spanish, was the last mission in Texas established on the southern frontier. The Irishmen, James Power and James Hewetson, however, were not permitted to establish settlement on the mission grounds.

Power and Hewetson were required to settle 200 Catholic families within six years, in addition to communicating with the Mexican government in Spanish, the official language of Mexico. Half of all families were required to be of Hispanic heritage, the other half were required to be from Ireland. All of these requirements were written and signed into agreement on penalty of the settler’s loss of their rights to the land beginning on July 11, 1828.3

The Power and Hewetson colony declared its capital the site of Nuestra Senora del Refugio in April of 1830, and began to settle families shortly thereafter. The two empresarios, however, faced extensive difficulties, in the meantime. The Refugio settlement was contested both by the McMullen & McGloin settlement in San Patricio as well as the De Leon settlement, with the charge of overlapping boundaries. In 1833, the jefe politico at Bexar dismissed the contest, and Refugio was at last permitted to begin colonizing. The problem, however, was that nearly five years had already passed out of the six-year expiration period of the land grant. This left colonists apprehensive about the fate of their settlement.4

Continue to Part II

  1. Graham Davis, Land! : Irish Pioneers in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas, vol. 1st ed, Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University (College Station, Tex: Texas A&M University Press, 2002), 73-74.
  2. Graham Davis, Land! : Irish Pioneers in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas, 73-74; Stephen F. Austin, Translation of the Laws, Orders, and Contracts, on Colonization, from January, 1821, up to This Time, in Virtue of Which Col. Stephen F. Austin, Has Introduced and Settled Foreign Emigrants in Texas, with an Explanatory Introduction (San Filipe de Austin, Texas: Adam Matthew Digital, 1829),
  3. Graham Davis, Land! : Irish Pioneers in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas, 78-79.
  4. Graham Davis, Land! : Irish Pioneers in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas, 80-82.

Christopher Repka

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Aaron Jaramillo

    Living in Texas my whole life and traveling to Austin a lot it was interesting to find out how it was founded. I’ve always asked how Austin was established but never received a straight forward answer. This was very informative and i’ll always think about it when I drive up to austin.

  • Mia Diaz

    As a proud Texan, it is always interesting to learn new information regarding the land we preside. I had never heard about James Hewston, James Power, or the Refugio Settlement before this article. Learning about the Irish origins of the people who helped develop this land is a great reminder that even back then, the drive of such a diverse group of individuals is a beneficial contribution to this area. I’m sure meeting the required criteria of the settlement agreement was not in any way easy; yet, they were still able to establish their colony. Very interesting article!

  • It is interesting to read about history that occurred here in Texas. Austin, Texas is my favorite city and I hope to live there one day. This article was very informative and help me learn more about the founding of Austin. Great job!

  • Rachel White

    This was fun to read as we are living in Texas and so it gives some background information into who first settled here and some of the hardships that individuals had to endure. I found it very interesting that Power and Heweston were given criteria of the types of families that were supposed to be settled in their land, and if they failed to meet these criteria, loss of their property would be the consequence. It makes me wonder what if Irish people or those of Hispanic heritage simply did not want to live there? Good job on this article!

    • Christopher Repka

      Rachel, in response to your last question:

      These were fairly common terms for the settlers of Texas soil. People didn’t feel inclined to move into the uncharted territory that was Texas. Preference, just as it often is today, was to live in the already-establish cities and towns. The empresarios were given the incentive to have their own land at no or low cost, though, and the colonists were given similar opportunities to create prosperous towns and businesses for little monetary cost. However, this task required tough and rigorous work, and strong local leadership. The threat of losing the land probably encouraged empresarios to develop their land into towns quickly, rather than keeping the land and resources for themselves only. Spain and Mexico were both worried about American expansionism, and wanted to fortify their northern border which was primarily uninhabited in the early 1800’s. Fortification was accomplished by encouraging settlement in Texas, but backfired quickly due to the large portion of immigrants from America, which is exactly what they desired to prevent from happening.

  • Soki Salazar

    It was interesting to find out that Austin and Hewetson crossed paths at one point. He founded Austin, Texas and Hewetson created Refugio County. Also, it seemed like a peculiar agreement to demand that 200 Catholic families were to have to settle there and that half of the families were to be Irish while the other half were to be Mexican.

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