StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
September 10, 2017

“This is the Zodiac Speaking:” The Serial Killer That May Never Be Found

Winner of the Fall 2017 StMU History Media Award for

Article with the Best Use of Multiple Images

Best Storyteller

Best Descriptive Article

Imagine walking down the street one morning in California. The sun is out and the air is warm as you pass by many people, maybe even hundreds. You keep to yourself, and your business, but a few strangers you pass by make eye contact, and you smile at each other. But some do not smile back. You do not make anything of this; it is normal. This actually happens so often and with so many people that you take little to no notice as to how many people you do pass during the day and the faces you see. But what if one of the strangers who passed by you, maybe smiled at, maybe bumped into, or even held the door for was not a simple stranger? What if one of these people with whom you made a one-second interaction was actually a notorious killer, responsible for many murders. This idea was a reality in the 1960’s for all that lived in the San Francisco Bay Area of California; and actually still may be. This was the reality while in the area of the Zodiac, who claimed he killed thirty seven people.1

Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery

On the night of December 20, 1968, in Benicia, California, Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday were setting out for a night of new memories. The two teenagers were going out on their first official date, and to both of them, the night was full of promise. David picked up Betty Lou and informed both of her parents that he would bring her home by 11:00 pm. The two went out and shared the evening together in hopes of furthering their relationship. As the night passed on, Betty Lou and David found a spot along Lake Herman Road, or “lovers’ lane.” The time was past 11:00 pm and worries arose. The worries turned into horror, because Betty Lou and David were soon found dead. Betty Lou had been shot in the back five times and was found less than thirty feet from the car, leading some to believe she tried to run from the scene of the attack. David just had one shot to his head. Besides the victims’ bodies and spent shell casings, nothing else at the scene was recovered as evidence or as clues as to who could have murdered these teenagers. With no leads, this case produced no clear suspects.2

Darlene Ferrin | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery
Michael Mageau | Courtesy of Zodiac Ciphers

Seven months later, two more people were targeted. It was the fourth of July in 1969 when they were gunned down at Blue Rock Springs Park, which was Northwest of Lake Herman Road where Betty Lou and David had met their tragic end. Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau were viciously attacked, and sadly Darlene died after receiving many gunshot wounds. But Michael miraculously survived, although he had been shot in the leg, neck, and jaw. Michael was luckily able to talk despite his injuries and told police what had happened the night of the attack. The friends drove to the park after Darlene picked up Michael and pulled into the parking lot. Darlene parked her Chevrolet Corvair, and a car pulled into the lot as they were talking. Those in the car got out and set off fireworks to celebrate the holiday and soon left.

The Lake Herman Road crime scene | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery

It was immediately after this that another car pulled in. But this time it parked right behind Darlene’s car. A few moments passed, as the headlights shone into the Corvair, but then the car reversed and left the parking lot. Only a few minutes passed before the same car returned. The person driving the car opened the driver’s door and exited the vehicle. Michael recalls that the driver was holding a bright light and approached the two in the car. Michael said that a man approached them, but he assumed that the man was a police officer. Michael reached for his ID and rolled down his window. The man casually walked to the passenger side of the Corvair, lifted up a gun and pointed it at Darlene and Michael. He then repeatedly pulled the trigger. Both Michael and Darlene were hit. Michael remembered looking over at Darlene horrified, but she was already slumped over her steering wheel. After several more shots were fired, the gunman lowered his hand, turned around, and began walking back to his car. The pain from the gunshots pushed Michael to scream in pain. When the gunman heard the screams, he immediately returned to Darlene’s car and shot two more times.3 With the satisfaction of thinking he had just killed the two, the killer returned to his car and drove away. Darlene and Michael were found immediately by three teens who had driven by, finding Michael rolling on the ground. When the police arrived, the two were still alive. Darlene was not moving, but her eyes were open and she was softly moaning as police and an ambulance rushed her and her friend to the hospital. Darlene unfortunately died before arriving at the hospital, but two minutes after she was pronounced dead, a call was made to the Vallejo Police Department.4 The attack on Darlene and Michael had obviously not been the killer’s last stop of the night. A few blocks down the road the killer stopped at a payphone. He then made a call to the Vallejo Police Department, and when Dispatcher Nancy Slover answered, a man began to speak in a colorless, dreary voice that sounded scripted. “I want to report a murder. If you will go one-mile east on Columbus Parkway, you will find kids in a brown car. They were shot with a nine-millimeter Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Good-bye.”5

The payphone the killer used to make the call to the Vallejo Police Department | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery

Now that this bragging killer had made a mistake and left a survivor, it was time to begin the search for this mystery man. Michael Mageau left a description of the man who had killed Darlene and left him wounded. Ed Rust of the Vallejo Police Department took down the description: “short, possible 5′ 8″, was real heavy set, beefy build… not blubbery fat, but real beefy, possibly 195 to 200 lbs or maybe even larger… short curly hair, light brown almost blond… with a large face.”6 After Mageau was shown various photographs of individuals that could possibly be the murderer, he concluded that none of these men were the killer.

The letter the Zodiac sent news offices on July 31, 1969 | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery

Three weeks passed, and although there was now a description of the murderer, there was nothing else to lead police to him. But then three envelopes arrived at three Bay Area newspaper offices. All envelopes contained handwritten letters and a coded message. The person who wrote the letters left a detailed list about the two shootings. The writer then revealed that the coded message, once deciphered, would reveal his identity. Concluding the letter, a threat was made, “If you do not print this cipher by the afternoon of Fry. 1st of Aug. 1 – 69, I will go on a kill rampage Fry. night…I will cruse around and pick off all street people… then move on until I have killed over a dozen people.”7 The letter was signed with a symbol of a circle with a cross inside it. Following the threat, all three newspapers published the cipher out of fear that the killer would remain true to his word.8 This ignited everyone from experts to even amateurs to attempt to decode the cipher. Investigators followed tips and even received help from citizens who claimed to have solved the puzzle. But what one citizen found was that it did not reveal the killer’s identity. Instead, it was a statement. “I like killing people because it is so much fun… I will not give you my name because you will try to slo(w) down or stop my collecting of slaves for my after life …”9

Cecilia Shepard & Bryan Hartnell | Courtesy of Zodiac Killer Facts Image Gallery

Weeks later in Napa Valley another couple was stabbed at Lake Berryessa. After several stab wounds, Cecilia Shepherd died, but Bryan Hartnell became the second survivor of the Zodiac. Bryan described the man wearing a black squared hood with a white circle with a cross through it on his chest. The Zodiac even left his own mark, by placing his symbol on Bryan’s car with a black marker. He then wrote out “Sept 27 69 6:30 by knife.”10

More victims emerged as time passed, but the Zodiac was never captured. The Zodiac sent in pieces of a blood-stained shirt from a victim who had been the killer’s cab driver. The Zodiac had shot him in the head. Along with the scraps of the shirt, a letter was included as well. This letter sent law enforcement into a frenzy because of what it described.11 It read, “School children make nice targets I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning just shoot out the frunt tire + pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out.”12 This forced police cars to follow all school buses with armed officers to protect all from the threat.

A sketch of the Zodiac by Robert Greysmith | Courtesy of Questersite

The Zodiac sent out many more letters, and made a number of odd demands. He wanted the people of the Bay Area to begin wearing Zodiac buttons that were to show his symbol on them. But when this did not happen, he wrote in another letter that his punishment for their not complying with him would be his shooting a man in the head in a parked car.13  The Zodiac taunted the police for being unable to catch him. He even wrote, “If the Blue Meanies are ever going to catch me they had best get off their fat asses + do something… the longer they fiddle… the more slaves I will collect for my afterlife.” He then signed the letter with his symbol and the number seventeen, claiming that this was the number of murders he had committed so far.14

Letter from the Zodiac relieved by the Los Angeles Times on March 31, 1971 | Courtesy of Zodiac Ciphers

The Zodiac killer has never been caught, even as the decades have passed. But his crimes have lived on in infamy and spread throughout the country. Many books have been published telling the story of the Zodiac killer’s spree, and his crimes became extremely well known. Due to the fact that he has never been captured, copycat killers have emerged. They have killed in the same fashion as the Zodiac, leaving behind notes signed, “Zodiac II” or “Zodiac III.”15

What remains true is that the Zodiac’s plea for attention has lived on far more than maybe he ever expected. Or perhaps his ongoing fame is exactly what he always wanted. With no real suspects and no more credible leads, the case is at a dead end. There is nowhere else to turn and no one else to question. The crimes that occurred in the sixties will possibly live on as being unsolved forever. Who knows where the Zodiac is today. Is he dead? Is he in jail for other crimes? Or could he even be alive? Could he, right now, be sitting in front of his television watching as his crimes are still being discussed today and knowing that he got away with everything.

  1.  Salem Press Encyclopedia, January 2016, s.v. “Zodiac Killer,” by Adrienne A. Kennedy.
  2. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 13- 15.
  3. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 22, 23.
  4. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011.), 23-26.
  5. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 27.
  6. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 25.
  7. Zodiac, Zodiac to Vallejo Times, Vallejo, Ca, July 31, 1969.
  8. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 29-31.
  9. Donald G. Harden, Donald G. Harden to the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Ca, August 9, 1969.
  10. Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 38-40.
  11.  Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 52-60.
  12. Zodiac, Zodiac to San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Ca, October 13, 1969.
  13. Zodiac, Zodiac to San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Ca, June 26, 1970.
  14. Zodiac, Zodiac to San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Ca, March 13, 1971.
  15.  Brenda Haugen, The Zodiac Killer: Terror and Mystery (Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011), 76-88.

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Gabriela Serrato

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Recent Comments


  • Saira Castellanos

    Reading this article reminds me of Saw, but the difference between Saw and the Zodiac killer is that Saw had a reason behind killing the people he did, and the Zodiac just did it for fun. None the less, they both were never caught and live in infamy. The only thing that scares me is that Saw it fiction and this killer is probably still well and breathing. It’s very scary to know that this killer is still out there and could be walking by people every day without anyone knowing like the article said. I really loved the detail of this article. It was very informative and interesting.

  • Jose Figueroa

    Prior to reading this, I had always heard of the zodiac killer but never knew what he was or what he did. This article painted a very clear picture of his personality and how he felt no remorse for his action. It was very interesting to finally learn about such an infamous killer, who we will never be able to identify. I really enjoyed the notes with his handwriting being included as it adds more depth to the article than a simple quote!

  • Lauren Castillo

    I like the amount of information it’s like a documentary on the zodiac killer. The picture of his “costume” and the crime scene photos really brought it to life. It really makes you rethink how much law enforcement has progressed since that time. If he were to try randomly shooting couples now who knows how easily he could be caught?

  • Josemaria Soriano

    It is really shocking to know that people like this serial killer is walking with us, and we may not notice it. I come from an undeveloped country, Peru, where you can see criminality and kidnappings, but you will never see cases like this one, you will never see a newspaper about a crazy guy that shot to people in a church or in a concert at Las Vegas or a movie theater. There is something wrong in the U.S., it is necessary to identify it (maybe civilian weapon possession?) before cases like the Zodiac killer happen again. Great Article!

  • Alise Balderas

    Growing up I have always heard stories about the Zodiac Killer. I saw stories and articles online about the crazy murder sprees that would take place and the thought that someone so cynical could find the desire to murder innocent people really perpetuates my mind. You would think that a place such as the glorious bay are would be a nice safe place to live due to its high standards of living but I guess not. Evil people can be lurking in the nicest places, no place is truly safe.

  • Amanda Figueroa

    This article is crazy to read as its insane how someone can kill that many people and just mess with the police like that and write letters to them and never be caught. This article was very well written and I liked the conclusion it leaves this uneasy feeling about the killer, because at the end of the day he is still free and no one knows what he looks like.

  • Alejandra Chavez

    The only thing that crosses my mind after reading this article is “Why would he give himself that name? what is the significance of calling himself the zodiac?”. I’m more than likely going to google that, but that would have been good reference in this story although it gives me, the reader, the incentive for further thought and study. This was a very well written article.

  • Cherice Leach

    The reality that the people in California must have lived in with this killer on the loose is unthinkable to me. I feel relatively safe here in San Antonio, and have never really felt like any random person who may pass me by on the street could be a vicious murderer. But I guess that’s the reality of certain situations, and all you can do is be aware of your surroundings to keep yourself and your friends and family safe.

  • Alejandra Mendez

    It still amazes me to what extent a crazy person can go when committing such heinous crimes. It is also still so interesting to me how after so many years, the infamous Zodiac Killer has still never been found. It is because he has never been found that so many questions remain such as what his intentions were in committing his murders. Although he was never caught, there were many times where he was at the finger tips of the police by writing his letters. Overall, this was a wonderfully written article.

  • Briana Myers

    Reading this article for the second time I have realized that there are many serial killers that have existed but have never been caught. It is very unsettling to know that there are many killers out there that will never be caught. The zodiac is one of those that has not been identified to this day. He has had many victims and yet the police is nowhere near discovering who he could be. This is a really interesting article. Congrats on the nomination!

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