StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Dr. Lori Boies for giving me the opportunity to spread knowledge on Type 2 Diabetes. I would also like to thank my family for their support, especially as some of my closest family members have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I hope this infographic helps to spread awareness of diabetes!

Bridget Horta

I will be graduating in the Spring of 2023 with a BA in Psychology, along with a Certificate in Community-Based Assessment and Evaluation (CBAE) and a Certificate in Public Health. Afterward, I will be attending New York University Steinhardt to pursue my PhD in Psychology and Social Intervention. My research interests include culturally responsive evaluation, education, and social justice issues.

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Recent Comments


  • Natalie Rojas

    This infographic was very informative, I knew type 2 diabetes was common around the US but I didn’t know it was over 37 million Americans that it was common in. I also like how this infographic was formatted it was very easy to follow and provided a lot of helpful information especially with the symptoms and treatments.

  • Zitlali Aguirre

    Your infographic on Type 2 Diabetes is great! It is straightforward, informative, and to the point. This caught my attention because a few members of my family suffer from diabetes. I was surprised that not all people will share the same symptoms, which is very important to look out for. I would have liked to see more information about prediabetes.

  • Maya Naik

    Great infographic Bridget! Our actions have consequences that can have long-lasting negative effects on our lives. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize our health by maintaining a daily regimen of exercise and a healthy diet. Doing so may prevent incurable ailments that would otherwise burden us for life. It is not only important to care for ourselves, but also for others by ensuring access to essential resources and promoting good health. I loved your presentation of this useful information, thank you.

  • Victoria Dubois

    The publication is both informative and engaging, making it a great read. It serves as a warning to stay alert, which is valuable. Although it contains a lot of text, the presentation is neat and well-organized, and it’s not overwhelming to read. Congratulations on a job well done!

  • Carollann Serafin

    As someone who is on the verge of being diagnosed with Diabetes I really enjoyed reading this article as it is something I can relate to and I am glad to see the awareness and detail it has. Very well wrote article !

  • Greitin Rodriguez

    The consequences of our action causes an effect that can be severed and have negative effects for our whole lives. It is necessary to be healthy and have a diet and exercise daily. We could be able to prevent something that is not curable and something that we will have to live our whole lives with. It is important to take care of ourselves, bodies, and minds; it is also important to take care of others and help find a way that everyone could have good health and access to important resources.

  • Alaina De Leon

    I like the way that this infographic looks and also mentions real concerns and realities. This horrible illness is crippling, i have seen loved ones lives change in a matter of years by the effects of this. Overall it is really important to talk about this to spread the word to make everyone aware. This publication does a great job of narrowing it down for us to understand and support the efforts that are being made ti make it better.

  • Kaylah Garcia

    This infographic did an excellent job of explaining diabetes. I liked how simple the design was and how brief but powerful the content was. I also liked how, despite the fact that there is no treatment for diabetes, you were able to incorporate a doctor’s advice on how to maybe prevent it. I also want to commend you on this infographic because people normally identify diabetes with a gloomy topic that mainly affects the unhealthy, but this demonstrated that it can affect anybody! Congratulations.

  • Jacqueline Galvan

    I thought this graphic on type 2 diabetes was perfectly laid out. The sections read perfectly from start to finish and conveyed a great amount of information in such a short page. It is clear, concise, and well thought out, and can definitely help individuals easily understand this disease as well as identify if they possibly have type 2 diabetes.

  • Abbey Stiffler

    I was aware that diabetes impacts blood sugar levels, but I had no idea it would result in so many symptoms. It wasn’t until now that I realized how terrible this illness was.The provided information does a fantastic job of teaching the audience on this subject, which is very significant in today’s society. Untreated diabetic complications can have very serious side effects, and lack of understanding has contributed to people’s long-term health problems.

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