StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, Dr. Lori Boies and Dr. Rebekah Mahoney, for providing their invaluable guidance, comments, and suggestions throughout the course of the project. I especially want to thank Dr. Boies for constantly inspiring me to work harder, particularly in helping me with how to approach my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Mahoney for showing empathy and teaching me the importance of collaboration and communication.

Recent Comments


  • Emilee Luera

    I liked how you discussed diabetes and the various risk factors that might lead to diabetes.This infographic has aided my understanding of insulin resistance, a condition that affects numerous members of my family. Some are more advanced than others, and most people have a lower cure rate. I would strongly suggest it to others, and I hope they become as well educated as I did from reading it. OUTSTANDING WORK!!!

  • Bijou Davant

    I have a mother who suffers from Type 2 diabetes and it has impacted so many if not all aspects of her life. It is something I wish people knew more about and even something I knew more about so I could help her more. So I commend this infographic for bringing awareness to diabetes!

  • Rosa Inocencio

    Very creative and well-organized infographic! I liked that this infographic touched on a topic that not many talk about or address, as someone who almost had type two diabetes in the past, it is very shocking to learn all of this information since I never took the time to actually look through it whenever I was going through all of that. This infographic is very neatly organized and the colors and font sizes are perfect, Great Infographic!

  • Carollann Serafin

    I am really happy to see more awareness for Diabetes , This was a very informative infographic and I enjoyed reading it. It is such a common but not talked about enough issue that is more common than we think!

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Amazing infographic Muskaan! It was surprising to see that one in ten people have type 2 diabetes, but it was also not because I know several people who are diabetic. I like how you included what diabetes is as well as the potential risk factors that can develop into diabetes. Not only is this infographic informational it has a clean and great layout.

  • Analyssa Garcia

    I can appreciate this very much because I have a lot of relatives and friends who are diabetic and so I was able to recognize a few things from the infographic. I think it is all tied together well, it is straight to the point and looks good.

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    I so greatly appreciate the inclusion of the different types of diabetes, along with Gestational diabetes, which I had actually never heard of. I think this infographic definitely helped me understand insulin resistance, and a condition that family members near me have. I also really enjoyed the small illustrations found on the infographic!

  • Sudura Zakir

    Type-2 Diabetes is dangerous for the human body and may be inherited so the probability of children obtaining this disease from their parents is high. Besides, other factors like obesity, blood pressure and lack of physical activity increase rate of type-2 diabetes in human body. The cure rate is less for most of the people. This is very interesting and informative graphic representing detail information about the disease. Sometimes it becomes life long disease for human body. Taking insulin becomes important for the patient on timely basis. I enjoyed the presentation of this infographic.

  • Xavier Bohorquez

    This infographic was really helpful in understanding what the difference was from type 1 to type 2. I have family members who have type 2 and I got a better grasp of their situation in this infographic. With that being said, I love the design you made this and the order/format it was in. I’d definitely suggest this to other people and hope that they can be informed as much as I was reading it.

  • Alejandra Pardo

    I like how well organized the infographic has been placed, the following font for each topic stands out perfectly. In the beginning, although just speaking about Diabetes Type 2 you provide minimal but important descriptions of other types of diabetes. The infographic is well displayed and provides a story to follow from beginning to end. The graphics do a good job and compliment. Great infographic, I personally have someone in my family who is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes but I was never properly informed what risk factors or even what to look within their blood sugar levels. I believe this to be an individual civic engaged struggle due to needing to educate those around us. Educating the importance of the lifestyle we live and to get annual bloodwork.

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