StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, Dr. Lori Boies and Dr. Rebekah Mahoney, for providing their invaluable guidance, comments, and suggestions throughout the course of the project. I especially want to thank Dr. Boies for constantly inspiring me to work harder, particularly in helping me with how to approach my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Mahoney for showing empathy and teaching me the importance of collaboration and communication.

Recent Comments


  • Matthew Holland

    This infographic was super helpful for a basic rundown of everything that is diabetes, I especially liked how it was broken up into different sections that all provided good information that was very easy to digest and understand. I would have liked it more if the color layout was a bit different but that’s a really small nitpick than anything. Overall, I think this is a fantastic infographic.

  • Sierra Christa

    I liked the format of this infographic! The only thing I would be careful about next time is the colors you used. The dark blue color against a black background is a little hard to see. As well as the pills at the top are white against a cream or eggshell color and it lost a little of the image. Other then that, your information, and photos were all amazing and really were able to inform me over a issue and topic I knew nothing about.

  • Kaylah Garcia

    Hello, Muskaan I just want to say that this infographic gave me so much knowledge about diabetes, even though I don’t know much about it. Everything was quite professionally put up and planned. I particularly liked the section where you discussed the treatments because you not only described the medical condition, but also the various ways it may be handled. Overall, it was enjoyable to read, and you did a fantastic job.

  • Greitin Rodriguez

    Diabetes in my opinion is something that we don’t talk about enough. It is a serious disease that can be caused by many factors such as being passed down from genetics, the environment of their well-being, and many other factors. It has serious health risks that can’t be cured, such as others that can be. It could be treated with medicine and having a healthy lifestyle. In order to help, to be conscious, and be well-informed we need to understand what causes it; how we could help those in need, and how we could prevent it for ourselves and future generations. It is not only a struggle for those who suffer from the disease. It is a struggle for all of us, because many of us are at risk of acquiring diabetes. We need to have conversations about this disease, find possible solutions on how to prevent and cure diabetes, and what we should do to bring attention and awareness to the struggles of living and having diabetes.

  • Osondra Fournier-Colon

    Many of my family members have diabetes from consuming too many sweets or a chronic illness that develops over time. So this infographic helped me learn about the chronic illness and to better understand some of my family members’ health issues. However, it is daunting to see how common this illness is and the statistical data behind labeling type of diabetes.

  • Melanie Fraire

    This infographic was very informative. I really enjoyed how the infographic gave in-depth information on every aspect including treatment, causes, the disease itself, and so on. I think I found it most interesting that 1 in 10 people have the disease because I had no idea how prevalent it is yet I always hear about how difficult it is to access insulin for some diabetics so it leads me to wonder how many of the 1 in 10 are receiving adequate care.

  • Melanie Fraire

    This infographic was very informational. I really enjoyed how the infographic gave in depth information of every aspect including treatment, causes, what the

  • Amy Hotema

    This infographic or article was really fascinating. This is incredibly nice and innovative how you set it up. You immediately start to panic out when you hear the word diabetes; at least, I do. Although I am aware that having diabetes is bad for you, some people are genetically predisposed to it, which may be irritating. There are many risk factors that can cause diabetes, including eating too much sugar, salt, or both. Being overweight is another risk factor. This infographic was interesting to read and has a lot of useful information.

  • Andrew Ponce

    While most people feel they have somewhat of an understanding of Type 2 Diabetes, this article clarifies every basic understanding there is about the disease. This article served to not only be knowledge refreshing, but also informative with knowledge I had not previously known. Much as I did not know that the disease is easily obtainable by older people and that 1 out of every 10 people more than likely carry Type 2 Diabetes. Information like this is interesting to know considering how much of a heavy topic this is today. Very good job Muskaan!

  • Aaron Astudillo

    The infographic is very well-detailed, and as someone who has various family members with diabetes, I got a more in-depth understanding. The structure is very useful to better understanding the topic, along with the visuals positively contributing to the presentation.

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