StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, Dr. Lori Boies and Dr. Rebekah Mahoney, for providing their invaluable guidance, comments, and suggestions throughout the course of the project. I especially want to thank Dr. Boies for constantly inspiring me to work harder, particularly in helping me with how to approach my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Mahoney for showing empathy and teaching me the importance of collaboration and communication.

Recent Comments


  • Mauricio Rebaza Figueroa

    Hi Muskaan. I find your infographic really important and interesting for everybody to know more about an illness that maybe a lot of people know that it exists, but not too many know what is it about or what does a patient go through. I think your work was very helpful for me to understand more about it. You used really good sources that made all your work trustworthy. Good job.

  • Thank you for this fundamental information about type 2 diabetes, it gave me a lot of knowledge in terms of the affection of hormone insulin and the treatment, medicine that can help reduce glucose levels. However, it is sad to hear that this disease has no completely cure, hope that they can figure out a way to stop completely this type 2 diabetes.

  • Jesslyn Schumann

    Hi Muskaan! This was a very informational infographic! As someone who has multiple members within my family who have had either gestational or type II diabetes, it was nice to understand the difference between all the types. This allowed me to be more informed about this topic and be more aware for when I see these members of my family again. Good luck on the awards!

  • Elizabeth Hernandez

    As a Type 1 Diabetic, I found this infographic to be really informational. I want to personally thank you for bringing awareness to Type 2, as diabetes as a whole is widely misunderstood and stigmatized.

  • Anissa Navarro

    Your infographic was so informational, I have never actually taken the time to read about the differences in diabetes and it was nice to find something that made it simple. You had spread a lot of information, I had no idea how many people it affected or what caused it. Great infographic

  • Hello Muskaan,
    First of all, congratulations on your nomination and getting your poster published!
    You did an amazing job on the organization of the poster and I definitely learned a lot about Type 2 diabetes. Also, the poster was very eye catching and really informative. It’s also really easy to understand because the summary of the information used for this poster. It’s crazy the fact that one of 10 persons will get diabetes.
    Overall, amazing poster and good luck!

  • Madeline Emke

    The poster was incredibly informative and mostly easy to understand. There were a couple of words that I had to figure out the definition too, but overall anyone could understand the information. The colors and images were eye-catching without being too distracting from the information. Amazing job!

  • Kayla Cooper

    First of all, I love your format of the article. It looks like a poster and it could be posted in hospitals to inform people about type 2 diabetes. I don’t really know too much about diabetes and did not personally know the difference between type 1 and 2, but now I do. It is crazy to think that one in 10 people will get diabetes and it is sad to think that people 45 and older are more prone to the type 2.

  • Cindyrenee

    Beautiful poster! And very informative!

  • Lyzette Flores

    Hello Muskaan! Your poster was very informative. Not only did you include information about type 2 diabetes, but you also included the other types to inform us, your readers. If it wasn’t for that piece of information I would’ve googled it to learn about the differences of diabetes, so thank you! It is important to be informed as 1 in 10 Americans suffer from type 2 diabetes. Overall, this poster included a gist of everything that was not too overwhelming, amazing work.

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