StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Water Chlorination Infographic


Byron Cox

Byron Cox

My name is Byron Cox and I am an environmental science major from the city of Helotes, Texas. I'm currently a junior with a set graduation date of May 2023 and a desire to aid in city-wide conservation efforts. I often spend my time being with friends or doing volunteer work, though the best times are when I'm doing both! My goal is to do the most I can for the conservation field, and I look forward to a career someday doing just that.

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Recent Comments


  • I find this infographic very useful. Access to clean water is essential, and chlorination is a wide-used method that yields very good results. I think adding more information about how chlorine works in disinfecting water might provide more insight in its usefulness and put into perspective some of the numbers exposed. I also really liked the use of blue, like how water is usually depicted, throughout the infographic.

  • Gabriella Galdeano

    I really enjoyed this infographic! I had not previously given much thought to how our drinking water is disinfected. I know that pools are chlorinated, so it makes sense for our water to be in a much smaller concentration. I think including more about how chlorine disinfects the water would make the infographic even better. I liked learning about how water is treated for the public’s health. You did an amazing job!

  • Emilee Luera

    This infographic is greatly done and very informative. Chlorine is shown to be a great asset against viruses. Especially against the famously known COVID-19. Water chlorination has shown great health benefits in the United States. I loved the way the information was displayed in this infographic.

  • Bijou Davant

    This was something I wasn’t aware of. The benefits of water chlorination are amazing. After the snow storm in early 2021, I remember the importance of boiling our water before using it after the impact of the storm. It makes a lot of sense because there is so much bacteria and bad things in our water, so safe chlorination is so beneficial and I never considered it

  • Rosa Inocencio

    This is an amazing and creative infographic! I loved that it goes straight to the point, it is very informative, and it is very easy to follow through and understand. I honestly found it very interesting and shocking that it was considered safe to drink and even more that water with chlorination helped prevent the spread of coronavirus, Great Infographic!

  • Yaniev Ibarra

    Great infographic Byron! I admire from the design of your infographics layout to the detail in the benefits of water chlorination. There are great advancements being made in the Public Health sector and it is important to bring awareness and enlightenment on such water properties. Great research and sources, this infographic was very informational and educational with facts and background context.

  • Analyssa Garcia

    This infographic was very good. I like that it was not too harsh on the eyes at all, in fact it was appealing, but I think everything just worked well together. I can definitely appreciate the font, font size, color scheme, etc. Great work.

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    This was such an interesting infographic! I have to say I love the design of it and the overall layout. I had no idea of the way it was decided that the levels of acceptable chlorine for consumption were decided. I also didn’t know the huge impact it had on typhoid, much less on COVID. Very well executed extensive research!

  • Sudura Zakir

    Awesome article with short context. Explaining about water chlorination with history, concerns, impacts and influence in pandemic. Nice work with your infographic with graphical representation. I really liked the design and color used in this graphical representation. Relevant stats, intro hook, advertisement, nice layout and highly visual. Easy to understand and describing the negative impacts of chlorination and it’s cleansing ingredient which was unknown to most of the people.

  • Alejandra Pardo

    The following infographic is straightforward and highlights its key points. Using bold letters and colors allows the reader to see the shift in the story from beginning to end. The title and hook already inform what the overall takeaway is of this infographic. Although there is only one citation it is for the most part a credible citation. The need for water chlorination is to fall in the continued need for social justice, as it has proven health benefits for many. Overall, great work Byron!

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