StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 5, 2023

Beyond the Smoke: The Real Impact of Vaping on Teens

Hector Membreno

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  • The infographic conveys a modern conflict in our society. Many teenagers believe in what they see in social media due to cognitive laziness therefore adding the myth/truth activity was a good hook for the young audience. I do believe it lacks color variety creating the infographic dull and repetitive.

  • pgarcia58

    Thank you for such informative infographic. I believe this is one of the most valuable topics to educate our generation on given the constant climbing statistics on vape usage. I like how you formatted the risks using pictures and very little words. Also, the section on truths and myths was very thoughtful, I feel like it made me engage more with the infographic as a whole. If I could give a suggestion, maybe you could play with the colors a little more to make it look more colorful. Overall, Good job!

  • Vape these days are serious social problems among young kids. This article reminds me the danger of vaping. It might be difficult for high school kids to quit vape, but they have to quit. The greatest way to quit is not even starting it. It is harmful and gross at all. Not helpful for our life. Parents should regulate their own kids not to do vaping in or out of school. Great topic and nice infographic.

  • egonzalez95

    I’d want to begin by expressing that the infographic is concise, straightforward, and effective. The knowledge you shared with your readers is encouraging. I’m eager to learn more about the dangers of electronic cigarettes. Because young middle and high schoolers are vulnerable to the perils of social pressure and puberty, it is apparent that firms will attempt to stay as near to kids as possible while providing or serving in a way that jeopardizes safety by benefiting from the sale of e-cigarettes. People nowadays need to be aware of the consequences of smoking or vaping. Individual well-being should be prioritized because smoking can lead to physical concerns as well as mental and social-cognitive decline. Some e-cigarettes, as you said, include nicotine, which can impair brain regions that affect mood and learning. It is also vital to emphasize the hazards or what may lead someone to use vapes or the fallacies surrounding e-cigarettes, as well as raising awareness about the need not to smoke.

  • Mikayla Trejo

    Thank you for sharing information on an issue that affects our generation greatly. The amount of individuals I know who have felt healthier after quitting is unbelievable. Thank you for placing emphasis on the fact that it is possible to quit and, there are positive consequences to quitting. One thing I would’ve mentioned is the resources that it takes to make these vapes puts children across Africa at risk, forced to partake in child labor. This is one fact that has gotten so many of the individuals I know to stop vaping.

  • Mikayla Trejo

    Thank you for sharing information that affects our generation greatly. The amount of individuals I know who have felt healthier after quitting is unbelievable. Thank you for placing emphasis on the fact that it is possible to quit and, there are possible positive benefits to quitting. One thing I would’ve mentioned is the resources that it takes to make these vapes puts children across Africa at risk, forced to partake in child labor. This is one fact that has gotten so many of the individuals I know to quit.

  • Alexis Silva

    This topic is very appropriate considering the recent hospitalizations and deaths surrounding the use of vapes. I like how this infographic uses a nice color scheme and formate the information clearly. I really enjoyed the section with myths and the truth. This infographic does a nice job targeting younger audiences and presenting the facts about vapes.

  • Silvia Benavides

    I loved the title of the article its very clever. The information being shown is very surprising I would have never guessed that middle schoolers would be using vape products. I enjoyed the fact that it was easy to read and straight to the point. I found the section where myths related to vaping were being shown very interesting. Wonderful job!

  • Daniel Olivares-Vazquez

    Hello Hector, informative infographic and good subject we were in high school during a time when E-Cigarette’s and vapes were introduced so we saw first hand how it affected younger people. Many people started to use pens for marijuana or vapes and not many studies had been done on the safety of them and none on long term effects when they were introduced I’ve heard they aren’t as bad as cigarettes but it is still a step backward in the fight against smoking

  • Johana Solís

    Hey Hector! Loved your infographic! It is well informative towards the end you included Myths! Now a days they’re a lot of myths regarding vaping it is nice that you have included some!The icons in this infographic are very useful I wished you could add more information about the deaths caused by vaping -like how were they mostly likely to die of? And how if you had health issues before vaping how can that affect your health.

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