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March 4, 2017

Charles I of England: “The Headless King”

“I do stand more for the liberty of my people, than any here that come to be my pretended judges…I am sworn to keep the peace, by that duty I owe to God and my country, and I will do it to the last breath of my body…”1. This was only a small part of Charles I speech defending his kingship. These were his departing words as he was sentenced to death for treason.

Charles I was born on November 19, 1600 in Dunfermline Castle, England. He was the second son of James I of England. In his early years, Charles did not speak very much and he developed a severe stammer in his speech. He also suffered from rickets disease that almost led to his early death. With the negligence of his parents and the constant harassment from his brother, Prince Henry, because of his deformities, Charles developed signs of personality disorder. He had a tendency to lie a lot at a young age, which is not uncommon among children. In Charles’ case, however, it would be considered a weakness for a king.2

On November 6, 1612, Prince Henry had unpredictably died from a typhoid fever, which left Charles I next in line to the throne. Surprisingly, he was not too keen on the idea, and was upset when his elder sister, Elizabeth, had married and left England. He had to take responsibility as the next heir, but with the death of his mother in March of 1617 and with his father’s, James I, irritation for his son, he did not develop self-confidence during his adolescents.3

In 1625, he took the thrown and became the second Stuart King of Great Britain. Throughout his reign, he dealt with many controversies and quarrels, especially with Parliament. After ruling for three years, King Charles conducted expeditions to Spain and then to France. These expeditions were degrading failures and financial catastrophes. They forced the King to ask Parliament to vote to increase taxes, but the body refused.4 The King still collected the taxes to pay for the expenses despite the disapproval. The Parliament and the King were mostly in disagreement throughout his reign. After the assassination of the chief minister, Buckingham, in 1629, the King dissolved the Parliament. This meant that for the next eleven years the King governed without a Parliament.5 Unfortunately, he managed to rev up governmental expenses so there was an increase in forced loans, tonnage, ship money, poundage, and other extraordinary financial measures.6

The King wanted to rule his own way, and he did not want his authority to be defied by anyone. However, his ignorance did more harm than good. By 1639, the King’s policies had created complications with Scotland. With his taxes being raised without Parliament’s approval, it made his subjects feel uneasy, but not enough to start a rebellion. However, there is another factor that will lead to a rebellion, and that was his religious policies.7 In 1637, King Charles introduced a new prayer book in Scotland. It did not go as well as he expected. Hundreds of thousands of Scots were in an uproar against the king. They even went so far as to sign a covenant (some even with their own blood), that vowed to fight for their old religion. The King saw this uproar as the people going against his monarchy. He vowed “I will rather die than yield to impertinent and damnable demands.”8

By 1641, Parliament did not trust the King with his army. Their fears became a reality when the King attempted to arrest five of Parliament’s leaders on the charges of treason. Upon the scare, Parliament took the initiative and began to rally their military force in order to defend themselves. Charles then called on his loyal subjects to defend his right to rule as he pleased. Thus, the civil war began.8

The civil war lasted for five years. Charles commanded the military of Wales and the North. With his generals, Charles was able to win some battles but not the war. Parliament proved its mastery when it came to gaining support, raising funds, and maintaining naval control and military response. On May 5, 1646, Charles gave himself up to the Scots, who were the allies of Parliament. He was handed over to Parliament, due to his refusal to accept Presbyterianism. He later escaped to the Isle of Wight, but was shortly imprisoned there. During this whole ordeal, Parliament passed an act of treason towards any other negotiations with Charles. At this point, his fate was sealed and there was no way for Charles to escape this time.10  

Image of Charles I execution, from the book The National Portrait Gallery History of the Kings and Queens of England by David Williamson | Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

On January 20, 1649, the trial of Charles I began in Westminster Hall. The king refused to plea guilty, still fighting for his right. He never believed that the court had the legal right to try a king. All throughout his life the king had suffered with his speech, but at his trial he was able to give the finest speech of his life. Unfortunately, the court would have none of it, and on January 27, 1649, it sentenced Charles I to death.

January 30, 1649 was the execution day for King Charles I. He was escorted onto a scaffold with crowds surrounding the platform in Whitehall, London. He began a prayer with Bishop Juxon. Moments after, his time had come. The executioner raised his ax and beheaded the King.

  1.  Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004, s.v. “Charles I.”
  2.  Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004, s.v. “Charles I.”
  3.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.
  4.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.
  5. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, s.v. “Charles I.”
  6. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, s.v. “Charles I.”
  7.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.
  8.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.
  9.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.
  10.  Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 2004, s.v. “Charles I (England) (1600-1649; ruled 1625-1649),” by Charles Carlton.

Samuel Sanchez

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Recent Comments


  • Karla Chavana

    The Headless King: first and foremost the title is very witty. I had some prior knowledge about Charles I but never was it delivered this way. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Charles I childhood, and the possible reasons for the development of his sicknesses and weaknesses. For some reason, it broke my heart when I read that he was harassed by his brother because of his physical deformities. Also, I found it so interesting that he did not think it was lawful to take a king to trial; I am more than sure he also thought that the be heading of king violated some royal rules.

  • Benjamin Voy

    This was a very interesting story that I knew nothing about. It is always nice to hear a story in which the Scots defeated the English, as a Scotsman myself, its music to my ears. Clearly King Charles was incapable of running a country and the people were right to revolt as he was only getting worse. I was very surprised to hear that he totally disbanded his government as I never actually knew a king could do that. Well I doubt they could do that in this day of age. A very well written and informative article.

  • Briana Bustamante

    Such an informational article. Before reading this I heard of King Charles, because I learned about him in my World History class back in High School, but I did not remember much about him. I find it sad that as a leader he did not care for much about the people beneath him. I loved the way you gave details about King Charles. I was able to make a picture of your story of him in my mind. Over all this was a great article!

  • Sergio Cervantes

    I found this article to be informative, especially since I knew nothing about this king. I had heard that there was a series of civil wars that plagued England for many years but never knew the details. I feel sorry for Charles I since he was unwanted, or at least it seemed, by both of his parents. His brother and sister were given all the attention as we can see from the later futures of their lives. It is remarkable to read that he eventually gave a speech without any hint of a stammer before his death.

  • Alexis Soto

    British Kings and Queens often have some of the most interesting yet tragic lives. This one is no expcaption. It’s not surprising to learn that the young Charles I was not keen on inheriting the throne. It also not surprising his reign eventually ended in his death. From my point of you he became engulfed in power which lead to his downfall. Interesting and enjoyable reading!

  • Marissa Gonzalez

    I loved this article because it kept me wanting to read more. If I was placed into King Charles’ position in taking charge, I would have felt so much pressure. However, if he did not want to have this authority as King, there should have been an exception to where someone else can take authority besides him. Due to his disabilities, it is understandable how it may have been difficult for himself and the people to have a good society. It is crazy how he was beheaded which seems very harsh if you think about it today. Great article and great research!

  • Hey Samuel, great story on King Charles he sounds like a lost soul from his childhood to his ruling years and his subsequent death. It seems Charles because of how he was brought up like a second rate citizen in his father’s house was the reason for his many failings as a King, this should serve as a lesson for parents that all the children a person have should be loved equally especially those that are weaker because they have so much in them but if it is not brought out in them they become lost in their way when they grow up just like Charles was.

  • Luke Trevino

    I has respect for the king because he stood strong by what he believed. I lost the respect because he refused to take the responsibilities when brought to trial and asked to plea guiltily. The bad part is that his job was to stand by what his people believed. He acted before seeing what his people wanted to do first. Therefore gaining the negative repercussions of his actions. Very good article I could not stop reading it.

  • Erick Paul Martinez

    Amazing article, I truly benefited from reading this. I had never heard of the story of King Charles, and his unfortunate reign as king. It is clear to see the impact that ones’ childhood will play on their entire life. Charles’ upbringing was far from perfect, and I believe this led him to be the awful King he was. He was selfish, stubborn, and had no respect for other authority, bringing him to the end of his reign and even his death.

  • Teresa Valdez

    I love that this article really feels like a story. This article proves that with great power, comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, Charles I seems like he took advantage of the power he was given. He intentions seemed to be in the right place, but he couldn’t possibly know the wants of the people without hearing the voices of his people. The refusal to recognize any opinion besides his own was his downfall.

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