StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 5, 2023

Henry B Gonzalez Goes To Washington

Infographic designed by Andrew Ramon Fall 2023

Recent Comments


  • Ana Barrientos

    Woah! The road was a super creative way to tell Henry B Gonzalez’s story, it was easy to understand and told us his story in a simple manner but also a creative one. I didn’t know that he went to St. Mary’s law school, and I also thought how crazy was it that he was re-elected 17 times. Overall, awesome job!

  • Amarie Pollard

    I am in shock your infographic is so creative and I am in love with the idea behind it. Connecting your infographic to the roots of St. Mary’s is genius. It’s an amazing idea for students to learn more about the history of their school and the success of the people that once attended their school. Henry Gonzalez will be remembered for greatness.

  • Linda Aguilar

    I love the infographic title Mr. Henry B. Gonzales StMU Alum goes to Washington. Excellent job choosing the blue and gold school colors scheme. I did not know he was a graduate of Alamo Community College, UT, and St. Mary’s University. The infographic was visually pleasing and informative. Good job illustrating Congressman Gonzales’ career was a life of service to other people. Awesome job Andrew.

  • Andrea Realyvasquez

    Love the visuals for the infographic! Learning more about local civically engaged leaders is such an important task an a student. His record for filibustering against segregation is impressive and surely makes St. Mary’s proud seeing as he is an alumni. This infographic was also easy to follow allowing the reader to really retain the information on Congressman Henry Gonzalez.

  • Haley Aleman

    Hello, Andrew! The first thing that caught my eye about your infographic was the road that seems to have acted as a timeline throughout your infographic. I especially enjoyed how it ties in with the “path to Washington” notion that’s mentioned in the title of the infographic. I very much enjoyed learning that a St. Mary’s University alum was elected to serve in the US House of Representatives and was also a major player in civil right activism. I personally find his story to be incredibly inspirational as I too hope to attend St. Mary’s Law School in the coming years. It has also been a dream of mine to be a congresswoman, so knowing that someone that came from the same roots that I came from is especially motivating. Thank you so much for teaching myself and others about such an influential San Antonio native. Good job!

  • Lauren Sahadi

    The road map was super interesting and a very unique idea. I liked all the visuals at every turn. I also liked how the information was short and to the point. You picked all the important points and that’s all the reader needed to know. It was a very interesting and original infographic. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it, great job!

  • Luis Dena

    I loved the detail of this infographic, all of the visuals especially the little road through the infographic was very well used to help the theme of this project. I’ve heard of Henry B. Gonzales but i’ve never really done research on him so this infographic was very informative to me and helped me learn about one of the great people that once attended this school. Good Job

  • Eduardo Saucedo Moreno

    Hey Andy! awesome infographic that you have here. It is very simple and easy to understand. The way you used the road template was useful to identifying that you were talking about Henry B Gonzales in chronological order. I would’ve loved to maybe see a second page of this so you could maybe talk more about his life and accomplishments. Overall, I really liked your infographic, good job!

  • Joseph Sanchez

    I have only heard of Henry B Gonazales in relation to other Hispanic Activists so I am grateful you took your time to share information about him. Being the first Mexican American to be elected to senate is a truly remarkable accomplishment. I am sure he was used to being the only Hispanic man in an Anglo dominated political scape but being the only Latino up to that point to be appointed senator is such an important step for the political representation of Latinos.

  • Daniel Gutierrez

    Henry B Gonzales Does something beautiful in his success and this is he creates a story of something that can be achieved by others. For that reason of creating an amazing story that fact that you are brining that story to so many more people is a great achievement in its own right. The way the road pushes down the story of Gonzales showed how far he had to travel to gain success. These stories are no linear like the road and some part of the story he must of met failure but this enough to allow readers to get invested to learn more.

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