StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
November 3, 2023

Latinos: Use Your Power to Vote

Infographic designed by Andrea Realyvasquez Fall 2023




Andrea Realyvasquez

Hello! My name is Andrea Realyvasquez and I am in my sophomore year here at St. Mary's University, studying to receive a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. If you are more interested in my other works feel free to click on my profile!

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Recent Comments


  • Johana Solís

    Loved the title of your infographic Andrea! Thank you for providing a Spanish translation as well. As someone who voted for the first time this November, I felt like I was making a change even though I know it takes a community to make a change, but just by doing something I felt like I did my part. I hope others know how important it is to vote and even if they cannot vote they can promote things on social media.

  • Ana Barrientos

    I loved this infographic, I thought the colors were bright and the message overall was great! The colors, pictures/icons made the message fun and exciting to read! I also enjoyed how it targeted specifically Latinos and how they can change voter suppression, and also using a graph to show voter suppression will make an impact on Latinos to go out and vote. Overall, amazing job!

  • Amarie Pollard

    I really liked your infographic the graphics were nice. Well done! I enjoyed the topic it is similar to my groups infographic. We are putting out focus to people of color and how their voice and vote matters. I enjoyed reading both in Spanish and in English it was well informative and pretty to look at. I can tell you put a lot of hard work into this infographic.

  • Linda Aguilar

    Awesome job on the infographic. The infographic urges you to take part in change in your community. The color scheme is pleasing to the reader. The infographic takes you step by step from the qualifications to vote, statistical reasoning, and action. The QR code on how the reader can stay informed was an excellent addition. I appreciate the Spanish interpretation of the infographic for bilingual readers. Excellent job Andrea!

  • Linda Aguilar

    Engaging infographic. The infographic urges you to take part in change in your community. The color scheme is pleasing to the reader. The infographic takes you step by step from the qualifications to vote, statistical reasoning, and action. The QR code on how the reader can stay informed was an excellent addition. I appreciate the Spanish interpretation of the infographic for readers more comfortable receiving the information in Spanish.

  • Haley Aleman

    Hello, Andrea! Thank you for addressing such an important matter facing our community and nation as a whole! Voter suppression is real and something that not a lot of people are aware is happening. I really appreciated the inclusion of the graph highlighting the fact that Latinos truly hold so much power in our numbers. If all of the eligible Latinos secured their vote when elections come around, I truly believe that we’d be able to make a significant change. And what better way to show up for each other and our rights than at the polls? I also thought that it was great how you provided a QR code at the bottom of your infographic so that people are able to become even more informed. Overall great job on this, it’s clear that a lot of work and effort was put in.

  • Lauren Sahadi

    The colors were very vivid and eye catching. The infographic was slightly clustered. Some elements didn’t fit in the theme of the infographic. Other than that the information was great and the point got across clearly. I liked the layout of the information. The way you started out with if you’re eligible to vote, then statistics, then how you can change that was really nice.

  • Andrew Ramon

    I think it’s great that your infographic is voiced so enthusiastically and encouraging. Some people can treat voting as a boring thing, but you made it seem exciting, which it is! It’s great that you provided a Spanish version of your graphic, especially after stating how important the Latino vote is. The links you provided and the QR code make it simple and easy to sign up and get registered. Awesome job Andrea.

  • Eduardo Saucedo Moreno

    Hey Andrea! I really liked your infographic. I felt like you were able to incorporate a lot of useful information so you can make it easier for us to understand why it’s important to vote. However, if there was just one thing that I would do differently would be to separate the text and images more. This is because, in my opinion, your title page felt a little cramped but it was good in the way that you had a lot of good information. Overall, I really liked your infographic, good job!

  • Joseph Sanchez

    My group did an infographic about the Latinx vote as well. It is such an overlooked issue and your infographic seemed full of energy and motivation to make a change. All of your information is easily digestible and providing a variety of registration options helps ensure that no votes are suppressed. The Spanish copy also helps a lot because the Latinx that struggle the most to vote are Spanish native speakers.

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