StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University

April 17, 2023

Reaching Out To The poor

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Food Insecurity

Laudato Si Goal 1

Laudato Si Goals



Response to the Cry of the Poor


Update. Add. Updating again.

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Recent Comments

Matthew Holland

Exceptionally amazing, that is the only word that can describe this article. It is one of the best of its kind in it the respective section hands down. I look forward to reading more from them in the future and hope they can write about different topics that would be equally interesting. I especially liked the part where they discussed. The importance of knowing when your next meal will be, not knowing that can affect people in more ways than being hungry and its important to know that that can have life long effects.



11:24 pm

Jaedon E

Amazing infographic! It starts off as a child and then growing up through life that we need to pay more attention to what we eat and how it effects us within the long run. I did know that Texas does offer benefits for people who don’t have a steady income. But we as a high intelligent species have to take care of ourselves.



11:24 pm

Alexander Garcia

Although I heard about food insecurity before reading this infographic I did not know about all the other harmful effects that it can cause, and i certainly did not know how many people it effects today. I think this infographic is truly amazing because it does a wonderful job of explaining what food insecurity is and it also goes to great lengths to show the reader what they can do to help combat the issue. It relates to civic engagement because it shows us how people from all across the nation can do their part in helping solve a problem like this one.



11:24 pm

Esmeralda Gomez

This is a very good infographic. Food security is a very big issue that I feel isn’t addressed or discussed as much as any other hot topic when it should be. Ensuring that we have proper means of food and secure meals is always a priority and this infographic does an amazing job at demonstrating just how important this is. Great job.



11:24 pm

Jacqueline Galvan

Amazing! San Antonio has one of the biggest food deserts in the United States and the food insecurity issue in Bear County is one that is not nearly talked about enough! This graphic was so informative and helpful to better understand the gravity of the issue and how we can better help our community on this important and prevalent issue.



11:24 pm

Madison Magaro

Congratulations on your nomination! This was a very informational infographic about not having food security. It is sad to hear about people who do not know when their next meal will be, but at least the community is giving them options. Overall it was a great infographic and it is sad to read about that the place you live in is suffering with food security.



11:24 pm

Joseph Frausto

Oh snap! The ham fisted nature of such puns aside, I greatly appreciate the craftsmanship and effort that went into this piece. Highlighting the issues of the day and the hunger now faced by the masses, information of this nature is of the greatest import to society as a whole. Bravo on such masterful design and good luck with the future.



11:24 pm

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