StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

This is a new genre that some of the students in PO 2302 Civic Engagement & Social Action decided to attempt above and beyond their actual assignment to help our class design ways to disseminate their research and presentations beyond our small group. To qualify to publish, students had to further edit their work and make the presentation more engaging by following a story arc and by removing most text and adding transition and morphing effects wherever possible. I am grateful to my entire class this Fall 2022 for taking on this challenge and for working above and beyond their course requirements to help us experiment with a new format for publishing on the StMU Research Scholars website Project coordinated by Dr Brad Whitener.

Dr Céline

Lionel Mbati

Lionel Mbati is a Pre-Law, Political Science major with an interest in shaping policies. His greater mission and purpose involve advocating for patients with rare diseases to live a better quality of life and has been recognized nationally for his efforts. He is a Senior graduating in the Fall of 2022 and is enrolled to begin Law school in the Spring of 2023. He is a member of the President Ambassadors, The Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society, The National Society of Leadership and Success, and the Undergraduate Mock Trial Team. In his free time, he enjoys volunteer work, playing chess, and learning about cryptocurrency.

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Recent Comments


  • jhollowell

    I love how you ended with how Mandela’s life shows us to “be willing to suffer for the common good”. This is not only demonstrated here at St. Mary’s University through the Marianist teachings but also learned in Civic Engagement courses.

  • This article was great enough for me to understand the Mandela’s importance and contribution. I do like the video and love the contained information. Thanks for your effort

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello! Congratulations on a great publication! The format of this publication alone is a definite stand out. I have seen the majority of publications be in an article or infographic format, so a video publication is refreshing to see. I think the entirety of the video goes into great detail on Mandela’s importance and his experiences. Mandela’s story inspires others to persevere in spite of adversities that affect them. Great job!

  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Congratulations on your nomination and for creating an excellent article with an interesting video! I learned so much from your presentation on Nelson Mandela. I was particularly interested to learn that he founded the first black legal firm in the country, as an attorney. Your video was well-structured, highly informative, and it definitely piqued my interest in the subject. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, and I hope to see more content like this from you in the future.

  • Olivia Flores

    Lionel! As a dear friend I loved to see your inspiring work. This video is so informative and Nelson Mandela is such a great man. I enjoyed the slideshow video while getting to hear his story as it really gets you to see the bigger picture. I know you worked hard on this and you should be proud as it is some great work. Congratulations because you accomplished such a polished video.

  • Alyssa Leos

    First off I want to say congratulations on your article being nominated for an award This is the second time where an article was a video and I really enjoy them. I always wonder about Nelson Mandela since he is the reason for what we know now as the Mandela effect. I was really excited to learn more about him and your article was very informative. Congratulations on your article being nominated for an award. Well deserved!

  • Dallasstar Johnson

    Cheers on your publishing; you did an excellent job overall! Even just viewing your video taught me a lot! One of the many interesting things I discovered about Mandela was that he was an attorney who founded the first black legal firm in the country. Your video definitely piqued my interest in this subject of conversation. It was well-structured and highly informative.

  • Dejah Garcia

    I love your creativity with doing a video ! It definitely stood out to me ! Congratulations on your nomination! Mandela had been known and recognized world widely for the impact that he had made in the world ! Im glad you were able to inform others who may not have known as much about him. Again congratulations on your nomination and best of luck 🙂

  • Kayla Braxton-Young

    Mandela is a very powerful man and he is important. I really enjoyed watching this video and watching how you focused on the importance of Mandela. Learning about him is very interesting and knowing how he impacted the world is just worth knowing. He is a very important person and this video focuses on the importance of Mandela. Great article and I learned a lot.

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