StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic
Type 2 Diabetes Infographic


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, Dr. Lori Boies and Dr. Rebekah Mahoney, for providing their invaluable guidance, comments, and suggestions throughout the course of the project. I especially want to thank Dr. Boies for constantly inspiring me to work harder, particularly in helping me with how to approach my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Mahoney for showing empathy and teaching me the importance of collaboration and communication.

Recent Comments


  • Jannet Preti

    I am not a medical person so I cannot speak to the veracity of the information but the presentation is clear and informative and sums it up well in my opinion.

  • Sirley Serrano

    That was super informative! Not to mention, it was beautifully displayed!

  • Sheryl Warner

    Being a nurse for over 40 years, I found this poster very informative, easy to understand and read. The presentation was well thought out, this information would be best served if displayed or as handouts at medical clinics. Very impressive and informative! Keep up the great work!

  • Jennifer Lynn

    Love the organization and clarity! Amazing work!

  • Vanessa Ortiz

    This is great work! I love your visuals and the information is easy to follow and understand!

  • So impressed!! Love the layout, design, and choice of information. Very informative. Good work!

  • Osvaldo Fajardo

    Gret Job!!

  • Camilla

    Excellent, and thorough! The layout was succinct and informative. Well done!

  • Alicia Virthe

    Wow! This was a really impressive study and it has allowed me to become much more interested in diabetes in terms of the science and innovation behind it.

  • Emma Perez

    She created a very informative piece, love the creativity and displayed a great perception of ways to both prevent and treat this condition. Overall excellent job!

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