StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary’s University

November 5, 2023

Beyond the Smoke: The Real Impact of Vaping on Teens

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mental health





Recent Comments

Maria Guerrero

This teen vaping infographic is shocking. This growing trend needs immediate action since it presents major health hazards and is targeting our younger generation. It’s important to inform parents and teenagers about the risks involved with vaping. By working together, communities, schools, and healthcare providers can stop this worrying habit and protect our children’s wellbeing. Thank you Hector for creating this awesome infographic.



10:47 pm

Vianna Villarreal

This is a great topic to raise awareness about because there is such a high number of youth already addicted and recreationally using nicotine. Not truly knowing how it affects not only their respiratory system but also their control over their emotions and their ability to compose their emotions without needing a drug to help stabilize themselves. It creates a false and temporary feeling in order for these kids to cope which is extremely unhealthy. It’s a very dangerous drug that has become a “trend” in today’s youth. Very interesting topic, great work.



10:47 pm

Atziry Juarez

I really like how you mentioned the effects that vapes can have on people. There have been a lot of cases in which middle schoolers and highschoolers tend to be the most affected. Most of them believe that vape is “just water” as you mentioned but are not aware of the toxins found inside. The “myths” mislead people to think that e-cigarettes are the safest form of intake but this is not the case. Your infographic was very informative!



10:47 pm

Daniel Gutierrez

Clean and concise, The Article pushes a clear image of the danger of vaping and also information about the severity of the problem with the amount of vaping is being done in society. Furthermore it seems that info tied with the graphics are tied very nicely that it seems that neither part of the article is being overpowered by each other. Great work this seems to complete its goal very nicely.



10:47 pm

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