StMU Research Scholars

Featuring Scholarly Research, Writing, and Media at St. Mary's University

This is a new genre that some of the students in PO 2302 Civic Engagement & Social Action decided to attempt above and beyond their actual assignment to help our class design ways to disseminate their research and presentations beyond our small group. To qualify to publish, students had to further edit their work and make the presentation more engaging by following a story arc and by removing most text and adding transition and morphing effects wherever possible. I am grateful to my entire class this Fall 2022 for taking on this challenge and for working  above and beyond their course requirements to help us experiment with a new format for publishing on the StMU Research Scholars website Project coordinated by Dr Brad Whitener.

Dr Céline

Maria Belen Cervera

Author Portfolio Page

Recent Comments


  • Gonzalez Elizabeth

    Good evening Belen. I love how you mention in your video the way Choco Meza’s mission ensued the way that the lack of unequal representation was taking place, along with how Mexican Americans were discouraged from running for office. The information presented on how Latinas running for office was significant due to the fact that women had just gained their voting rights in the 1920s and were still subject to male-dominating forces. The amount of engaging opportunities that Choco Meza presented allowed me to become aware of the opportunities to participate throughout the community and step up in other political and community service events that can aid vulnerable populations in my community.

  • Truly a legend. Her leadership in civil liberties and voting rights has left a imprint on the west side and San Antonio.

  • Sebastian Hernandez-Soihit

    Very informative! Choco is most relevant to St.Mary’s due to its location and particular involvement in the West Side, and this succeeded in conveying information relevant to her legacy easily and gracefully

  • Daniela Garza Martinez

    Hello Maria! The life and times of Choco Meza are genuinely awe-inspiring. The woman that made such a huge difference in our city. What a way to commemorate such a remarkable woman than with a wonderful presentation. I would like to offer my congratulations on going above and beyond to put the spotlight on her in such a beautiful manner. 

  • Alexis Zepeda

    Hello! Congratulations on a great publication! I enjoyed the video in its entirety. You are very well spoken and told her story well. I specifically liked the way you connected her story to every student that attends St. Mary’s University. When discussing great leaders in our society, representation is so important. It is stories such as Choco Meza’s that inspire the communities that look like her and have the same shared experiences. Although she has passed on, her story and efforts remain with us. Great job!

  • Juan Aguirre Ramirez

    Hello Maria, Choco Meza’s story is truly inspiring and your video presentation did a great job of highlighting her achievements. It’s amazing to see how one person can make such a big difference in their own city, and I loved learning about her mission to promote equality for the Mexican community. Congrats on your well-deserved nomination, and thanks for such an informative and engaging presentation. I appreciated how you wrapped it up with practical steps for getting involved and making a positive impact in our own communities. Bravooo

  • Olivia Flores

    Choco Meza is truly an inspiring woman. I am so glad to see you speak about her story as it is a good one. I had a class with Dr. Cotrell my freshman year and he told us so many Wonderful stories about her. She is what I want to be. She knew what she wanted and became so engaged to advocate for engagement. Especially during this time where women were put on the back burner. Overall such a great job on sharing her story!

  • Joe (Dr.) Gershtenson

    I want to know what you were nominated for–the Choco Meza scholarship or something else?
    So very cool watching this as someone who had you in class, who got to work with Daniel Meza on a couple events honoring Choco, etc.!

  • Priscilla Vargas

    Choco Meza was truly a pioneer, advocate, made her mark in history and left a legacy. Congrats on your nomination. Your presentation was thoughtful, articulate and the presentation was informative and engaging. I enjoyed how you concluded with simple steps on how to get involved and make our own imprint on our communities. Kudos.

  • Morgan Kuchta

    Congratulations on your nomination! I really enjoyed learning about Choco Meza’s story and her activism. This presentation format was also really fascinating– I loved seeing the photos alongside the explanations. It’s incredible to think about all that she did for our local community. I attended the Choco Meza event hosted by St. Mary’s a while back and it’s inspiring to see how her legacy continues! Thanks so much for sharing.

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